Fifty Five

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"Ya Allah! I know it's impossible, but please let me see Zaviyaar. I want to hold him, reassure myself that he's okay. Time feels like an eternity, and the pain is unbearable. Please grant me the chance to be by his side, but the world won't allow a girl with no apparent relation to him near. No one knows I am his wife, and I can't speak up because no one will believe me. Please, help me, Allah." Noor's tearful pleas echoed in the quiet prayer room, her emotions laid bare before the Almighty.

Khalifa was on the move, his footsteps echoing with purpose as he neared the Chaudhary residence. The familiarity of the house, etched into his memory from previous visits, guided his movements with an unsettling precision. The silence outside heightened the gravity of his mission, amplifying every creak of the porch beneath his weight.

Upon reaching the entrance, a subtle twist of fate caught his attention – an empty garage, none of the cars were present. The possibility that Noor might be alone in the confines of her home flickered in Khalifa's mind, adding a layer of urgency to his steps.

As Khalifa worked furiously to break into the lock, a sudden sound shattered the stillness – the gate opening. Panic surged through him as he scrambled to flee, but before he could vanish into the darkness, a voice pierced the night.

"Whoever you are, come out! I know you're here. Come out right now before I call the police," demanded Arham, his voice laced with authority and suspicion.

Caught off guard, Khalifa emerged reluctantly from the shadows, his remaining hand raised in a feeble attempt at surrender.

"Okay, okay. No need to call the police," he mumbled, his voice betraying a mixture of resignation and anxiety.

Arham's gaze lingered on the dishevelled figure before him, noting the signs of neglect and desperation etched into Khalifa's appearance. There was a flicker of recognition in Arham's eyes as he scrutinized the intruder.

"Wait a minute... I know you from somewhere. Aren't you the man who tried to kidnap Noor?" Arham's accusation hung heavy in the air, casting a pall of tension over the encounter.

As Arham's accusation hung in the air, Khalifa's heart sank. He knew he had been recognized, and there was no denying the truth.

"I... I..." Khalifa stammered, his thoughts in disarray as he grappled with the unexpected turn of events. But he knew there was no excuse for his actions.

"Don't be scared. I can help you," Arham interjected, his tone surprisingly calm given the circumstances.

Khalifa hesitated, uncertain whether to trust this sudden offer of assistance. Was it a genuine concern or a clever ploy to gain the upper hand?

"You can be useful to me. You want Noor, and from what I've heard, it's because you want to sell her to get money. What if I tell you there's another way you can get your money?" Arham's words hung in the air, laden with intrigue.

"Keep talking," Khalifa responded cautiously, his curiosity piqued despite his wariness.

"You know, she's in love with that guy, Zaviyaar. And I hate his guts. He's admitted in the hospital right now. Kidnap Zaviyaar," Arham's words dripped with malice, his disdain for his rival palpable. "Demand ransom from his wealthy parents. And if he doesn't survive... well, that's just an added bonus."

Khalifa's lips curled into a malicious grin, he listened intently as Arham laid out his proposition, his mind spinning with the possibilities. The idea of targeting Zaviyaar, Noor's beloved, appealed to Khalifa's desire for revenge and financial gain.

"Kidnap Zaviyaar..." Khalifa mused, weighing the risks and rewards. "Demand ransom from his wealthy parents..."

"I'll do it," Khalifa's voice oozed with malevolence, his commitment to the plan unwavering. "But you'd better ensure I'm protected from any consequences."

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