Chapter 33 - Daughter by heart

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*Katniss POV*

-"What are you doing here?", I ask Effie. She looks at Peeta and smiles.

-"You can thank him for that", she says and nods and toward Peeta. He smiles. I kiss Peeta's cheek and he puts one arm around my waist.

-"We are getting married!",Peeta says. Effie covers her mouth with her hands and her eyes flood with tears. Haymitch stands there, smiling, a real smile, and I know he is truly happy for us. Effie then hugs us both tightly.

-"I just can believe this", Effie says. "Let me see the ring". I laugh and show her my finger.

-"Congratulations guys", Haymitch says smiling and I smile back.

-"We need to start planing everything. What are we waiting for?", Effie says

-"That's why I called you", Peeta says. I look at him, then at Effie and then at Haymitch. He just shrugs.

-"What are you talking about?", I look at Peeta and he puts an arm around my shoulders

-"I may or may have not called Effie yesterday and told her to come because we had something to tell you and needed some help with that", Peeta says. I kiss his lips.

-"Anyways, how much time we have?", Haymitch asks

-"13 days?", I say already knowing what Effie's reaction will be

-"What?! You guys plan to have a whole wedding done in 13 days? You know how much stuff we have to buy, organize and buy? Then we better get started now. I'll just talk to one of my friends in the Capitol to see if they can send me some stuff we will be needing", she exclames excited. Then she grabs Haymitch's telephone from a table in a corner and walks away while dialing a number.

-"Haymitch, can I use the bathroom for a moment", Peeta asks and Haymitch nods. Once Peeta disappears through the hallway  I turn to Haymitch

-"So Haymitch I wanted to ask you something", I say

-"Anything sweetheart, what is it?"

-"So you know I'm supposed to be walked to the aisle by my father, but as you know, my dad is dead. So I was thinking that the closest thing I have to a father is you Haymitch and I would like if you could do that, walk me down the aisle?", I ask him and look at him, but his face shows no emotion. For a moment I think he is gonna say no but then he hugs me and nods

-"Yes... Yes Katniss... I would love to", and then I hear something I never thought I would hear. Haymitch sobbing

-"Thank you", I whisper. He lets go of me and dries his tears

-"You know that you are the closest thing I will ever have to a daughter, and even if we fight and you annoy me", I roll my eyes "I love you like you were my own daughter Katniss". Now I have small tears in the corner of my eyes. I hug him again.

-"Oh and please don't tell anyone I was crying  or I'll never forgive you", he says and I chuckle before he kisses me head. Then Peeta and Effie walk back to us. Peeta looks at Haymitch, then at me and mouths me if we are okay. I nod.

-"Our friends are coming tomorrow to our house to start with all the planning, so if you guys can come...", I say

-"Of course Katniss, and it will give me time for my stuff to arrive", Effie says. I'm so happy now, just talking about start planning, I can't  believe how happy I will be when all of this is done and I'll be called Katniss Mellark.

Hey guys
Hope y'all like this chapter. I didn't knew how I should name this chapter so I hope this name is good.
I'm sorry that the uppdates lately are so short, I'm trying to fix that. So you guys will have longer chapters
Thanks a lot guys for more than 50k reads!! I never expected all of this. I do this for you guys so im so happy.

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