Chapter 10 - What about a bakery?

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*Katniss POV*

We walk down through the new houses of District 12. My hand tangled in Peeta's hand.

Many of the refugees from 13, came back and started rebuilding their houses. The Hob is in progress.

We walk through the ashes of what once was my childhood house. I cant look at that, gives me so many bad memories. My dad, Prim. Im not mentally stable to handle all this.

The only place that remains untouch is the Victor Village, where Haymitch, Peeta, and I live.

When we arrive at the place where the old bakery was, I can see that Peeta is trying the hardest not to cry. I cant blame him. The bakery was his second home.

I hug him.

-"Its okay if you wanna cry sweetheart. But dont worry, now its gonna be even better", I say trying to help.

-"My whole family was burned here.I wanna make this special. For them.", he tells me as he hugs me back.

After waiting like 10 minutes, a tall, stronge man came walking, aproaching toward us. He and Peeta shake hands.

-"Hey, well Mr. Mellark, this is how much the new bakery is going to cost, just the way you planned it.",he says handing Peeta a long paper. I can see he is trying super hard not to cry.

-"Emm... Well, We will talk this and then Ill give you a call", Peeta says and I can see tears rolling through his eyes. I cant stand him crying. It breaks me. I need to help him.

-"Yeah, sure. Ill wait for the call. Nice meeting you in real Katniss", he guys says.

Yeah. I forgot Peeta and I are famous now. Since we won twice the Games and I sort of killed Snow.

-"Same here", I say to the guy.


We start walking home hand in hand.

-"Peeta, what is wrong?", I ask him as we walk down.

-"I... I cant affort it. Even with the money they pay me as a victor. I dont... I dont know what Im gonna do."

-"But you dont have to work. We can live with the money they pay us", I say.

-"Yeah... I guess. I mean, I just wanted something to remember my family, my childhood, but I guess I cant", he sobs.

I lean toward him and kiss him. He doesnt reply.

-"Kiss me", I say and he giggles, then he kisses me back.

-"We will find a way. I promise" I say as we enter the Victors Village.

*Peeta's POV*

When we arrive to the Victors Village, I ask Katniss if we could stop by my house.

-"Ladies first", I say as I open the door, letting her past first. She just blushes.

Then I close the door, leave the keys in the table, sit on a chair and rest my head in my hands. Katniss moves a chair and sits next to me.

-"What am I going to do?", I ask to Katniss. I didnt realize I was crying until she dries my tears with her fingers.

-"Peeta... Look.. I was thinking that maybe we could build our bakery. I mean... Its going to feed both of us isnt it?", she says.

-"What do you mean?", I ask.

-"I can help you pay the rest, you know, build our bakery", she says looking me in the eyes.

Is she seriously talking about buying together the bakery?

-"Are... You seriously, Our bakery?", I ask, happier that ever.

-"You would do it for me, wouldnt you?", she tells. I lean and kiss her in the lips.

-"You know this means a lot of money dont you?", I tell her.

-"Of course I know, but we will get through this. Together."

I hug her.

-"I love you so much", I reply.



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