Chapter 6 - Didnt he remember?

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*Katniss POV*

When I wake up it was probably about 5:00㏘ and I see myself surround on Peeta's strong arms. Oh god, I didnt realize how much I have missed them until now.

I dont really remeber how I ended up here. I just remember crying on Peeta's shoulder and then starting to get asleep. Probably he carried me here.

I dont wanna wake him up but he is holding me pretty tight so I just stare at him. His beautiful hair. His perfect jaw. His strong arms. His warm lips. Then, suddenly he opens his eyes and I lean and kiss him in the lips and he replies almost imediately. Then I stop to grab some air.

-"What was that for?", he asks with his eyes brighter than ever.

-"Because I have missed you", I say, giving him a peck on the lips.

He doesnt replies, he just stares at me and smiles.

I was gonna get up when he grabs me by my waist, pulling me closer to him. I put my head back in his chest and rest a little more. We dont talk. We just stay there. It was perfect.

-"I have also missed you", he says random. I look at him.

-"All I wanna do is be with you", I say looking at those eyes I love.

-"Is that what you want?",he asks pulling me closer to him.

-"That is what I want", I reply.

We stay together a little more until he pushes me focely as he sits in the border of the bed. I stand up and he grabs his head with his hands, breathing heavy. As he blinks his eyes go from blue to black and back to blue. He is fighting a flashback. I sit by his side, massaging his back.

-"Do you wanna kill me? Real or Not Real?, he asks me as he punches himself in the leg.

That question got me. Didnt he remember? He starts blinking faster and then I see those blue eyes back. The flashback is gone. He is back. I just stay there in shock. Then I  hug him tightly.


Hey guys! Sorry for not posting yesterday but I had many things to do. Guys I feel like no one reads ny fanfic because no one votes or comments or anything. Please leave a comment or something when if you like it. Thanks for reading.



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