Chapter 28 Confirming douths

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*Katniss POV*

I shouldn't be doing these. Is so wrong in so many ways, yet there's something inside of me pushing me to do it. I need to find out what's going on no matter what. I feel a cold shiver as I close the door behind me. Peeta left 5 minutes ago, then I went upstairs, got changed and left. I start to walk cautiously through the District, hoping not to cross with Peeta. In a few minutes, I arrive to the construction. I look around and see him speaking with the same guy we met 3 months ago. Peeta was right, the bakery is almost done, In just a few days probably it would be ready. I know how happy Peeta is baking and how excited he is for these. I wait behind a bush that is close to them. Once in a while, I would peak through to see if they are still there. After what it feels forever, I hear Peeta say:

-"Kay man, I'll see you next week", and shakes hands with the guy. Then he starts walking in the opposite direction of the house.

Okay. Maybe he is just going to buy something  and then go back home, no big of a deal

He keeps walking and I follow him quietly, and hiding every time he turns around. My heart is speeding up.

Where the hell is he going?

Then he stops at a mini market and walks inside. I wait hidden behind a tree. Is a small store and he sure would notice me if I enter.

What could he probably be buying?

I did the shopping yesterday, while he was outside hanging with Johanna. My hands are all sweaty and my heart is beating at a million per hour.

What is taking him so long?

After another good wait,  I see him leave the store with a brown groceries paper bag. Then he keeps walking, again in the opposite direction of the house. I'm freaking out; I wanna wanna run toward him and ask him where is he going. But no. This is already stoker enough.

He keeps walking until he stops at a house I never played attention before, I think its for rent now. I don't care. There are so many new things here I don't pay attention to either. I don't want to. I wanna keep the memory of 12 as I lived my whole life. The poorest district alive, where everyone was sad and hungry, but was alive. Not my mom moving, not my best friend leaving, not everyone freaking out because of the bombing, not my sister dying.

I take a quick look at the house. Is a small, one-story house, probably one or two rooms with a small porch in the front. Peeta knocks on the door and waits. After a few seconds, the door opens

I guess I already knew who was behind the door but I don't wanted to believe it, I wanted to take a look myself. Now I do and I can't believe my eyes. They start swelling with h tears I can't control. I feel my whole body get weaker and weaker and I run back to the house, not caring who's looking at me and who's not. I storm into the house and run to my room. I lay in bed and start crying.

<<Is the things we love the most that destroy us>>

I remember Snow said once to me and he was so right. We love someone so much, that when they do something to us, it destroys us. First was my sister, dying to save someone else's life. Then my best friend leaving because he was ashamed of just looking at me. Then my mom, she left because she couldn't handle the pain. And lastly Peeta who is, once again, slipping away from me and I confirmed it today when I saw him enter to Johanna's house.


My chapters have been so short lately and this one is too but I wanted to leave these one like this. Next one is gonna be a longer one I promise.
Anyways don't forget to check my other stories "A change for the games" and "Remember Me" .
Thanks for almost 17k reads!!  I love you guys soo so much

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