Chapter 24 - Reunited

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*Katniss POV*

I put a white blouse with crochet details, a navy blue skater skirt and black pumps. I put my hair in a tall ponytail. Peeta is downstairs cooking. I look at the clock in my nighttable 7:37. I walk downstairs and Peeta is setting the table.

-"Hey, you go take a shower, I'll finish with these",I say as I walk toward him and grab the plates he had in his hands.

-"Okay, beautiful", he says as he kisses my cheek and walks upstairs. Once I finish setting the table, I go upstairs to our room and open the door. Peeta is standing in front of the closet, looking for clothes with only a towel around his waist.

-"Need help?", I ask.

-"I don't know what to wear", he says still looking at the closet.

-"You sound like a girl", I say as I walk toward him

-"Ha-ha-ha very funny", I roll my eyes. I start to look into his clothes. I found a light blue dress shirt and some beige dress pants with black vans. I sit on the edge of the bed and put the clothes by my sode .

-"What do you think?", I ask. He pulls me down and I lay in the bed. He jumps in top of me and whispers to my ear.

-"I think you look beautiful"

-"I didn't me...", he starts kisssing my neck and I forget what I was going to say. I moan lightly as he continues kissing me harder. I start kissing him on the neck and he moans loudly and I smile.We get interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Peeta frowns and groans and I laugh. I look at the clock 8:13. When I'm with Peeta I forget time and space.

-"You finish getting ready.I'll go open the door", I say and he chuckles.

I walk downstairs and open the door.

-"Finnie", I say and open my arms as I see Finnie and Annie. Annie hands me Finnie.

-"Come on in", I say as Annie enters and I close the door. We sit on the table.

-"Is anyone else coming tonight?", Annie asks as she sees a fifth plate.

-"Yes, but its a surprise", I say in a childish tone that makes Finnie laugh. I smile. He is so cute. I love him so much.

-"Hey Annie", Peeta says as he walks toward us. He hugs Annie and kisses Finnie in the cheek.

-"Hey Peeta",Annie smiles. Peeta sits by my side. He puts his arm around me, caressing my shoulder. I look at him and see lipstick stains in his neck. I quickly grab my napkin and clean his neck. He smiles. I hope Annie didn't saw that.

-"So Finnie, what did you did today?", Peeta aks.

-"TV", he screams as he claps his little toddler hands. We start laughing. How can he be so cute?

-"He is so cute, aren't you a cutie Finnie?", Peeta says and Finnie starts making baby noices.

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. Peeta and I look at it each other. He nods and stands up to open the door.

-"Peeta baby", Johanna's voice fills the whole place. Annie turns around fast. Johanna hugs Peeta and walks to the table. She is wearing a long black dress and black sandals.

-"Annie",she screams and Annie stands up to greet her.

-"Oh my god Johanna. I havent seen you since.. a long time",Annie says.

-"I know Annie, look at you. You look so pretty",Johanna says while she looks at Annie's dress. Annie is wearing a white dress with a silver strip below her breasts.

-"So are you Johanna", Annie replies. Then Johanna turns, now facing Finnie, who was dying for some attention.

-"Oh my gosh! So you are Finnie", Johanna says while she grabs Finnie in her arms. Peeta walks to me and embraces me in his arms.

-" but mame", Finnie says something.

-"My name?", Johanna says and Finnie nods.

-"Aunt Johanna"

-" Uana", Finnie tries to say and we laugh. Then we sit. Johanna sits in the corner. Annie and Finnie and me and Peeta in front. We were just about to start eating when someone knocks on the door. I frown at Peeta. I think we aren't expecting someone else. I stand up and Peeta follows.

-"We'll be right back", I excuse us from the table as we walk to the door. I notice Peeta starting to get nervous.

I open the door and I saw the least person I was expecting today.



Hey guys

I'm so happy to finally been able to update here. I have been having a writers block in this story but I have a lot of new ideas for the next few chapters.

Whatever thanks a lot for 7.6k+ reads and 300+ votes. I never expected this much of readers. Thanks a lot



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