Chapter 5 - Always

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*Peeta's POV*

-"Im sorry Katniss, I dont wanna hurt you", I say pushing her away from me with tears in my eyes. She looks hurt. I cant deal with this anymore.

I just leave Haymitch's house, leaving Katniss alone. Again. I run toward my house. I open the door of my house. I see blurry because of how much Im crying now.

"She heard what I said, she knows I miss her and I know she misses me as well, she hugged me. And I left her" I think as I sit on the couch and turn the tv on. But I cant focus on anything, Im to worry thinking about Katniss.

I decide to go to the kitchen to make some food for myself. I made some pasta but I feel awful. After I finish washing the dishes, I walk to her house that is in front of mine.

I knock her door. Twice. I wait. Maybe she is in the meadow. Or maybe she doesnt wanna see me...

Suddenly she opens the door. I can see she was sleeping, by the look in her face. And then I remember how peaceful and beautiful she looks when she doesnt have a nightmare. She looks surprise to see me. She wasnt specking me at all.

-"We need to talk", I say

-"Come on in", she says.

I enter and she follows. Only a few times I have been in her house. It remembers me when we were back from the first games. When Gale was whipped. When she bended her ankle and I carried her to her room and stayed with her because she asked me to. Now is all gone.

It is quiet. It is weird. It is sadder. It is different, because Prim is not here. Oh, poor little Prim!! I remeber her, as a little child, walking with Katniss to the bakery to see the cupcakes I made. And now she is also gone. And Katniss had to face it alone, without me.

-"So... Did I wake you up", I ask just to say something.

-"Dont worry, I wasnt sleeping that well either. You know, my nightmares are with me all the time", she gasps. She is sad. I wanna hug her. Give her a shoulder to cry on.

I open my arms toward her and hug her. Inmediately my body touches hers, she startes crying and I pat her head.

-"Come with me, lets sit", I say. She just holds me tightly. I move and sit her in the couch, next  to me. I take her face with my hands. Dry her tears with my thumbs. She stays hugging me more that I originally planned.

Then, I look down and I see she feel asleep in my arms, so I just carry her upstairs to her room. Once I put her down, she grabs me by my shirt.

-"Stay with me",she says as she opens her eyes and stares at mine.

-"Always", i whisper back as I take one side of the bed.

Then she cuddles and puts her head in my chest and I surround her with my arms.

For a moment, I feels like those times back in the arena, but I dont know what Im going to do. Of course I dont wanna hurt her, but she needs me as much as I need her.



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