Chapter 20 - She choose me

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*Peeta's POV*

I wake up in the guestroom again. I hate it in here.Our bed is better.

I walk toward the kitchen and start making breakfast. I sit on the table and set my plate and hers. I eat quickly because I think Katniss woke up. Even though I hate the fact that she kissed Gale, I still care about her, but I avoid her because I know that if I see her, Ill run to her, begging for a kiss.

I quickly rinse my plate and head back to the guestroom. I enter the room and go to bathroom to take a bath.

What should I do? Should I forgive her? Should I punch Gale in the face? Am I exagerating all these?, I think as I let the water run.

Suddenly, I hear the room's door open and then a knock on the bathroom's door. I ignore it. I know is Katniss. She knocks twice.

-"Peeta, thanks for the breakfast, you shouldnt have bothered", she  says louder enough I can hear perfectly from here.

I dont answer and she doesnt insists. I think she is gone. Was I a little harsh? Should I apologize now?

When I close the key of the shower, I hear the room's door slam. She was in the room this whole time.

I put a towel around my waist and  get out of the bathroom. I look around the room, everything looks in order. I walk toward the desk and the first thing I see is the sketch I finished yesterday, of us and our kids. I though I hide it it, because I didnt want anyone to see it. But I guess Katniss just did.

I sit down on the edge of the bed and rest my head on my hands.

Why is everything so difficult between us? Why cant we be happy, enjoying eachothers company? Why cant I love her without someone disturbing? Why we always let people take our happiness away from us?

And all the thoughts start to bring tears and I start to cry.

Many hours have passed and I havent moved from the bed. I havent stopped crying. I decide to take a walk. Fresh air is going to help. I make my way to the door.

I look up at our room as I pass by the stairs. Katniss must be there. Pain hits me right in the chest. I wanna run upstairs and kiss her again.

I quickly turn around and get out of the house. I walk around the ruins of 12. I pass by the bakery, that is still in process. They should finish it in 4 months. I pass by what once was our school. Where I saw Katniss for the first time.

When I get back to Victor' s Village, I stop by Annie's house.

I knock and she opens minutes later.

-"Peeta, you're back", she says as she hugs me. Then we enter to the living room.

-"Finnie is sleeping upstairs", Annie says, "Make yourself at home. Ill be back in a minute". She dissapears into thr kitchen and I sit on the couch.

Minutes later she comes back with coffee and cookies.

-"Sorry if the coffee is kinda of bad, Im really bad at making it", she says.

-"Oh, its okay. You shouldn't have bothered", I say as I take a sip of my coffee

-"So, How is Katniss doing?", she asks. She doesnt know what Katniss did. Unless Katniss told her, what Im sure she didnt. Annie is probably going to say Im stupid for being mad and havent talk to her.

-"Well... We are kinda of mad at each other",I say and Annie looks at me like like Im crazy.

-"Well... I came back the other day and Gale was sitting with Katniss on the couch kissing", I say and Annie looks at me like Im insane.

-"W...Wow. That really took me by surprise. Have you talked to her about it?", Annie asks what I assume. At first I dont reply but then I do. Maybe Annie can give me some advice.

-"No", I say looking down. Annie sits closer to me and gives me a hug.

-"You should talk to her. Katniss will always prefer you. Something must have been wrong for her to kiss him", Annie says.

-"Yeah... I know".Annie is right. She choose me.

-"Promise me you will talk to her", Annie says in a demmanded tone.

-"Ill try. I wont promise you anything but Ill try", I say to Annie.

-"Wanna go see Finnie sleeping?", Annie says.

-"I would love too", I say as I stand up.


I spend all day at Annie's. I dont know if Im ready to talk to Katniss already. Im still pretty mad. Because I saw her kissing back didn't I? Or she didn't?



Short and late chapter. Im so sorry guys!

Is just that I post the chapters on instagram first and when I have like 5 fanfic posts on instagram I post it here and I have barely post on instagram lately but here is another chapter!!

Thank you guys so much for 72+ votes and 750+ reads!! Ilygsm



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