Chapter 15 - Broken

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*Peeta's POV*

-"Ju... Just forget about me", I say standing and leaving her house.

She whispers something but I dont look back because I know that if I do, I would stay.

I walk to Haymitch's house. I open the door. It was unlocked. The smell of alcohol covers the room. He is sitting in his table, surrunded by bottle of liquor. Drunk Haymitch is back.

-"What is my star-crossed lover doing here?", he says while he drinks from a big bottle.

-"Im here to drink", I say as I open a counter in his kitchen. I find many liquor bottles there. I take a few out.

-"Ill pay you back", I say and then I leave his house before he complains.

I walk to my house and open the door. I close it behind me, put all the bottles down in the table and sit on the chair next to the table.

I open a bottle and drink half of it on the first sip. I hate the liquor but it helps me forget the pain.

After I finish my first bottle, I start to fell dizzy. Im not used to drink until im drunk. Im not even legal to drink. I just hate the fact that my life will never be the same again.

"Thanks to Katniss". I feel a flashback coming. I open the other bottle and dont stop until I finish it. Once I finish it, I feel better. Then I feel sick and I go throw up to my bathroom. I cant stand this anymore

*Katniss POV*

I curl up in a ball and cry until no more tears come out. Then I realize I havent eat since breakfast. I walk downstairs and prepare myself a sandwich. I sit on the couch with my sandwich and I turn on the tv.

After Im done, I go to the kitchen and wash the dishes. Then I hear someone knocking the door. I run toward the door, hoping is Peeta.

When I open I see Annie holding her newborn child.

-"Oh God Annie! What a surprise! And how beautiful he is!", I say as I let her in. I hug her and she hands me her son.

-"Finnie", she says, "short for Finnick"

-"He looks just like him", I say. He has the same eyes and the same dark hair like his father.

-"Hun, where you crying?", she says as she looks straight into my eyes.

-"Peeta left me", I say holding back my tears. We sit on the couch. I tell Annie everything, while I have Finnie in my arms.

-"Im so sorry, you know what? Im gonna go see him right now", she says as she stands up.

-"Thank you", I reply. She walks away and leaves me alone with Finnie.

I would love to have kids with Peeta, but Im just scared. I know Peeta want them so badly but I lost Prim and Rue. I cant stand losing someone else

*Annie's POV*

I walk out to Peeta's house. Katniss is broken. I need to see how Peeta is working with these. I knock the door but no one replies. I grab the handle as I open the door. For my surprise, it was unlocked.

I enter and I see a broken Peeta, sitting on a chair, his head resting in the table. At least three bottles are empty rolling on the floor. I walk toward him. He smell of alcohol makes me sick but I have to ignore the smell, after all they needs me.

-"Peeta wake up!", I say as I shake him widly

-"Uh?", he says as he opens his eyes and sits again.

-"What are you doing?!", I yell at hin.

-"What are you doing here in 12?", he yawns. I pick up the bottles that are rolling on the floor and I throw them on the trash.

-"Peeta, please. I cant see you like this. Neither does Katniss. What would she think if she see you like this?", I say.

-"Who cares, I mean our thing is over. I cant be with her or else Ill hurt her", he says.

-"Peeta, please go take a bath", Im loosing my patience here dealing with a drunk boy. He sighs and rolls his eyes and then he goes upstairs. I start cleaning his living room.

Then he comes back, but this time he looks like himself. The selfless one. The one take will do whatever it takes to get Katniss back.

-"Do I look okay now?", he asks and I nod.

-"What about the little boy? How is he doing?", he asks, refering to Finnie.

-"He is great. He has grown up alot. After all you only saw him as a little bumb in my belly. He is at Katniss's. Wanna go see him?"

-"I dont think I should go near Katniss", he says.

-"Dont you wanna talk to her. I promise I wont let you touch her if you have another flash back", I say.

-"Thank you so much Annie", Peeta says as he gives me a hug. I hug him back

*Katniss POV*

Annie leave me with Finnie probably about an hour ago. He is such a sweet baby. Annie told me that he is only 6 months old, but he is a strong baby. I know that he will be just like his father, a strong man that will do whatever it takes him to protect his love ones.

-"So Finnie, what do you wanna do?", I say in a childish voice.

I sit him on the couch next to me and I put some cartoons on the tv. He grabs my hand with his chubby fingers and doesnt let me go.

I love Finnie but Would I be a good mother? Would my kids love me? I know that they will love Peeta, thats for sure. He is so charming and he loves kids and the kids love him. They have a special bond with him. I cant say the same about me. Peeta has asked me before if I want kids but I just say that is a matter of time.

When the show ends, I look at Finnie who is sleeping on my chest.

-"I know, it wasnt a very interesting tv show", I say to Finnie and before I realize, I also fall asleep.

*Peeta's POV*

Annie came to my house, we talked and now Im going to Katniss house to see Finnie, Annie's little boy. Im not sure if im ready to talk to Katniss but I guess Ill give it a try.

We walk down the ruins of 12. Annie has never been into 12 before, except on her Victory Tour, many years ago. We take a walk to talk a little before we go see Katniss and Finnie.

-"So, We are building a new bakery were the old one was", I tell her.

-"We?", she asks stupidly as she smiles.

-"Katniss helped me pay for it, so is ours"

-"Im so happy for you Peeta", Annie says and I smile.

Then, we walk down were the old bakery was.

-"Here it was, Mellark's bakery", I say and I cant avoid sobbing. Annie doesnt talk, she just hugs me and I rest my head in her shoulders. After a long silence, I push her softly.

-"Thank you Annie, now lets go see Katniss!", I say as we walk.



Sorry for not posting yesterday but my mom took my phone way and gave it back yesterday but it was late and I was tired. Soory if this is a little boring but more fun stuff is coming on.


Thank you so much for 300+ reads and 24 votes. I love you guys so much.



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