Chapter 35 - Hands of an angel

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Effie knocks on my door around 8:30, half an hour before schedule, but knowing her I wouldn't have found it strange she has been here two hours before planned. I think she's the most excited about the whole wedding.

-"Are you ready", she asks after greeting me. I nod. "Then let's get started" she grabs me by my arm and I only get to shout Peeta that I'm leaving before she closes the door behind us.

-"Oh god Katniss, you have to see the dress. It looks like it was made with the hands of an angel"

-"Can't wait to see it". That was half true. I wanted to see it but at the same time I wasn't sure.Was I making a good desition getting married at 18? No. I can't be thinking that. Peeta is the man I love. Luckily my thoughts get lost when Effie knocks on Annie's door. Johanna opens seconds later and we walk inside.

-"Annie and Finnie are on the main room with the dress", we walked down the hall and Effie opens the door leading to the room and Annie and Finnie turn around at the sound of it. I give them both a quick hug.

-"Katniss, are you ready to see it?", Annie asks and I nod. She walks to the closet and come back with a big white box with a gold Mockingjay drawing of the top. She hands it to me. I sit on the edge of the bed to open it. On top of everything, a small envelope rested. I put the box on the bed and take a look at it. Inside, there was a card with the same tones as the box.

"To my girl on fire:
I knew this day would come sooner or later so I got you covered. I  hope it can be there with you to celebrate. Even if I'm not I'll be with you by your side forever.  Remember, never let the flames inside you shut down. The man you'll be marrying will be one lucky guy. I will be always betting on you.



With tears in my eyes, I put the card away and take a look at the dress. I stand up to have a better view of it and Oh God. It is beautiful.

It is a cream colored strapless dress with spaghetti silver that has small flowers on it. The flowers go down until the mid thigh and then it just gets bigger and has a long tail behind it. At bottom of the box are two smaller boxes. One with white heels with a small silver detail and the other one with a double silver headband. I'm speechless. How is it possible that somebody could make this?

-"Well, do you like it?", Johanna asks. I quickly dry my wet eyes and nod.

-"Its all beautiful. I really don't know what to say"

-"It was all Cinna's idea. He told me he had made you a dress for the day you got married and he wanted me to have it. You know... In case he...", Effie says and starts to tear up.

-"Thanks Effie", I say and hug her.

-"He would've loved to see you in that dress the day of your wedding you know?", I nod.

-"Well, let's stop with all the grieving and let's try it on Katniss", Johanna says. I look at Effie and she nods. I grab the dress and the shoes and pull Annie with me into the walking closet.

-"We will be right back", I say before shutting the door behind us.

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Hey guyss.
I'm back my family came to my country and I was busy non stop. Sorry this is short but I wanted to post so badly. Anyways, there are like 5-6 more chapters or less before the story ends.
Let's see if we can get to 20 votes in this chapter.
I hope y'all like the pictures I found. I thought they were perfect.

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