Chapter 36 - All the single ladies

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We are all in the meadow, in front of the secret lake I used to come with my dad, which is not a secret place now that I'm getting married there. We are almost done for the day setting some stuff up like the aisle and tomorrow morning we will finish with everything.  Later today, the girls will throw me a bachelorette party at Annie's house and the boys one to Peeta at Gale's place.

Right now, Peeta and I are walking around the place hand in hand checking how everything is looking  while everyone else finishes for the day. We stop at the white aisle covered in red and silver flowers, the colors of the ceremony.

-"In 24 hours we are gonna be married", Peeta whispers with a smile on his face. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me closer, putting his hands on my waist as we both stare at each other. 

-"I know", I whisper him back. I look around, everyone in their own world, doing everything to make this true. I rest my forehead on his before kissing. His lips feel familiar on mine and I don't ever wanna let go of him.

-"Save that for the big day guys", Haymitch says patting Peeta's shoulder. I roll my eyes and he lets go of me.

-"I think we should probably be going", Effie tells me as she walks closer to us.

-"Yeah boy, we too", Haymitch says.

-"Then I'll see you tomorrow", I say to Peeta.

-"Goodbye Mrs. Mellark", he says.

-"Soon to be", I correct him.

-"Basically the same", he winks and leans in to kiss me but Effie stops us.

-"Wait until tomorrow", she says and pulls me with her. I shrug looking back at Peeta and he smiles. I turn around just as Johanna comes running to us.

-"Annie left a while ago to prepare everything. I hope everything is already done.  Are you liking the decoration Katniss?"

-"Yeah it's gorgeous. I'm sure it's all gona turn out amazing"

-"I hope. And how are you, excited? Happy? Nervous?"

-"Pretty nervous", I admit

-"It's normal to feel that way, after all this is all you want. Isn't it?", Effie says.

-"Of course this is what I want. Plus, tomorrow is Peeta's birthday and he's gonna be extremely happy"

-"He will"


Inside in Annie's living room, at least a hundred ballons float on the roof, with silver lace falling. The couch has been pushed to a corner and instead a giant white comfy rug lay there and a pile of different movies in front of the tv. When Snow died, the Capitol shut down all the projectors that were used before to show the Capitol news and were replaced with the tv. We throw some pajamas on and put on a romantic movie while Effie makes popcorn and serves some drinks. Finnis is upstairs, sleeping on his room. Annie made him go to sleep earlier so he wouldn't be bothering, even thought I told Annie he didn't bothered at all. She didn't listen and put him on his room and brought her baby monitor downstairs so she knows if he's awake. 

We watched two movies and after they were done, it was around 11. Johanna and  Annie went to the kitchen for some chips and drinks.

-"Tommorrow night you'll be a married woman, Katniss", Effie says excited as she pats my leg.

-"I know. So much is gonna be happening tomorrow and at the end of the day I'll be married", I say.

-"You are so lucky Katniss. You went through so much but that didn't stop you from continuing your life with the people you love, even though not all of them are here today. I wish I could have gotten married with the man I loved"

-"Why didn't you got married Effie?", I ask her

-"His name was Marlon. We met when I was 17 on a trip I made with my parents toDistrict 10. He lived near to were I was staying and we met on a walk I took around. He bumped into me and started talking. He decided to show me around the district. He was really handsome, brown hair and gorgeous green eyes,I must admit. At the end of the day, he took me to a small restaurant his family was the owner of and we ate there. We met everyday for few weeks I was there. On the sixth day I was there, he confessed to me that he liked me and I told him that I liked him too. We kissed then. My father was on all the Hunger Games Reaping organization and he had to make sure everything was going fine. I remember Marlon telling me how bad he hated everyone that had to do with the Games, and he knew I hated being part of a family that had to do with such horrible thing. On the Reaping ceremony, they called Marlon Evans's name. I was devastated, he was the first guy I really got to love. I watched the whole Games and send him some stuff through sponsors with my name, so he knew how much I loved him. He almost made it..", Effie starts to cry and I hug her tightly. Effie never talked about her past life before, at least not with me, and to know what she went through, it's horrible. Just like if I had lost Peeta on the Games.  I didn't talked, I just hugged her. She eventually calmed down and I let her go.

-"You are really lucky Katniss", is the last thing she tells me before the girls enter the room and she fakes a smile and we continue with our night.


Heyy guys

I know I told y'all that I was gonna update but I started school and I has been a living hell. Anyways, next chapter either next week or weekend :)

If you enjoyed this chapter dont forget to vote and follow me to know when I'm gonna update.

love always, 


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