Chapter 29- Remembering

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  • Dedicated to Everyone one of you who is reading this story!!

*Katniss PoV*

My mind is spinning and I don't know what to think anymore.

Is Peeta really cheating on me?

I don't know what I'll do with myself if that's true. The only person I truly love. Gone. And when is he planning on telling me that he's with Johanna?

I should have seen that coming. Why would Peeta still love me? After all he has suffered for me? Its not fair for him. I should just go and tell him that he should be happy with someone else. Someone who won't hurt him. But I don't think he'll ever find someone who will love him as much as I love him. I never thought I would say this about anyone but yes Peeta Mellark is the love of my life and I can't live without him.

I open my eyes. I guess I just fell asleep crying.

I stand up and walk to the bathroom to wash my face. I look at the mirror, I am a mess. I undress myself and take a shower. I wash my tangled hair.

Why all the bad stuff always happens to me? Haven't we suffered already so much?
What else I need to be happy?

I get out of the shower and cover my naked body with a towel. I go back to the room and see a note on my nightstand. I pick it up and read the handwrite of my beautiful boyfriend. Does he still counts as my boyfriend? I guess so.

I'll be waiting for you at the lake in the meadow at 5. We need to talk
                                               Love you always,

A tear falls and stains the note. He wants to breakup with me. Its obvious. What else could it be? I look at the clock. 4:24. I put the note back to where it was and walk to the closet. I put on a white shirt with a red skirt and white sandals. I lay down my hair and look at myself in the mirror.

Be strong Katniss, you have been through a lot. You can do it

I walk downstairs and go to the door. I sigh.

Come on Katniss you can do it.

I open the door and walk to the meadow. Oh God! How happy I was with dad; before everything happened.

Oh Dad, you don't know how much I miss you. And my little duck, I miss you like crazy. I need you guys with me. I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm Katniss Everdeen. I'm 18 years old. My home is District 12. My sister is dead. My mom left me. Peeta is here. He is probably gonna break up with me. It'll be better if he breaks up with me. And me. And I don't know what to do with myself anymore.

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