Chapter 22 - A year since the pain

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*Katniss POV*

All these time I havent been with Peeta have make me realize how much I really love him. He is my other half and I dont know what I would do of he wasnt there for me. I think I might be ready to give Peeta what he wants the most: a child. I might tell him Im ready in his birthday, in a few weeks.

We walk downstairs and we look at the window. There are many people outside, probably the whole district, maybe more. There's a party outside and we have absolutely no idea what is going on.

Peeta starts making breakfast and I go upstairs and change into a light yellow dress that goes to my mid-thights and some black flats. I do my hair in my usual braid and walk downstairs. Breakfast is already settle and Peeta is sitting on a chair, waiting for me.

-"You look beautiful", he says as he sees me. I chuckle. I walk toward him and peck his lips.

-"I love you", I say as I sit in his lap. I approach my plate toward me and we start to eat while Im in Peeta's lap.

-"Open your mouth", I say as I feed him. He chuckles and he does the same to me.

Once were done, Peeta goes upstairs to change and I rinse the dishes. When he comes downstairs I cant help but stare. He has his sexy morning hair,black skinny jeans, a white v-neck and his black leather jacket. He looks extremely handsome.

-"You know is impolite to stare right?", he says as he approaches to me and locks his arms around my waist. I lock my arms around his neck.

-"Is not unpolite to appreciate my handsome boyfriend", I say to his lips.  He smiles and then my lips crash with his.

We walk out of the house and the Victor's Village is full of people. I lock my hand with Peeta's and we walk toward the Justice Building. For our surprise Effie Trinket is there.

-"Ohh, my victors. Long time no seen", she says as she hugs us.

-"Heyy Effie, what is all these?", Peeta asks.

-"Today makes one year since the rebellion started and everyone is celebrating", she says


*Peeta's POV*

-"Today makes one year since the rebellion started and everyone is celebrating", Effie says. I look at Katniss and I hug her tightly because Im afraid she will run away. I know how much she hates talking or even thinking about our past. In two weeks will be Prim's first anniversary and I need to stay with Katniss all the time. One year since her little sister died, her mother left, her bestfriend betrayed her, since one of her friends sacrified for her, leaving her son and wife behind and one year since the boy she loves tried to kill her. She hugs me back.

-"And how long will these last?", I ask hoping it will end soon.

-"Two weeks. Each day we will remember all the courageous things you guys did to protect the country",Effie says and I feel how Katniss tenses.

-"Okay, well, I hope we'll see you again soon. Come visit whenever you want", I say and we walk toward our house.

-"Are you okay baby?", I ask as we walk, my arm around her shoulder and her arms around my waist.

-"I dont know, I guess?", she sighs l. I decide not to ask more. The next days will be kind of depressing for her, I dont think we'll be out again until these is over.

*Katniss POV*

I've learned one thing in these last year. You can never have all you want. A year ago I had my sister, my mother, my bestfriend and Finnick but Peeta was in the Capitol, suffering because of me.

Now, Snow is dead, there are no more Hunger Games, everyone lives in peace but I dont have them with me. But I have Peeta, the love of my life, my boy with the bread.

Maybe, if I had thanked Peeta for the bread when we were younger, if I had showed him that I loved him instead of playing with him, If I havent playes with the Capitol, everything will be different. Maybe all of us could be together now. But because of my mistakes, everyone had to pay for it.

Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by someone who runs into me.

-"Oh sorry", I say before I look up.

-"Dont worry brainless", she says.

-"Johanna!", Peeta and I say while we hug her.

-"You two are together now?", she asks me

-"Yess", Peeta says while he kisses my cheek.

-"Finally, it was time for you guys to be together for real", she says and Peeta pulls me closer to him by my waist. I kiss him briefly.

-"Wanna come to our house?", I ask.

-"Sure brainless",she says and we walk toward our house



Heyy guyss sorry for the long wait and such a short chapter but I wanted to upload but I havent write the rest.

What do you guys think?

Dont forget to vote and comment and check my newest fanfic "A Change For The Games"

thank you guys so much for 2.5 k reads and almost 150 votes!! Ilygsm!!



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