Chapter 30 - Together

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-"So what did you do in all day?", Peeta asks me as we walk around.

-"I stayed home and watched TV", I lie " What about you?"

-"I went to the bakery and when I got back you were sleeping, so I took a shower, painted a little bit and then I wrote you the note"

-"Ohh", I say. " And when is the bakery due?", I ask him even though I already know the answer.

-"2 weeks", he says and smiles. I smile. I love to see him smile. And I start to feel my tears flow down my cheeks.

-"Oh baby, what's wrong?", he asks as he gets closer and dries my tears with his thumbs.

-"Its nothing", I say

-"Katniss, I know you are lying and you have been since you arrived. Now I want you to tell me what's wrong?"

-"Peeta", I whimp and hug him. He pats my back as I rest my head on his shoulder.

-"I'm scared", I whisper. He stokes my hair.

-"What are you scared of?", he asks. I push myself from him and dry my tears.

-"I saw you today in the morning. You went to the bakery and then to Johanna's house. I know there's something going on. Its okay if you wanna leave me, is okay if you don't love me anymore. After all, you have been through hell because of me. I love you Peeta, don't ever forget that", I cry as I peck his lips hard and run away, back to the house. I dont wanna hear what he has to say.

I run and run. I hear Peeta yell my name and run after me. But he won't catch me, not with his prosthetic leg. My fault, I know.

I open the door and run into our room. I lay in the bed on my stomach and cover my whole body with the sheets; after a few seconds, I hear familiar footsteps run up the stairs.I hide my face on the pillow. Then I feel his familiar hand on my waist. I turn around and see him kneeling by the bed.

-"Baby don't cry", he kisses my shoulder

-"Im sorry"

-"Why would you ever be sorry of?"

-"I'm sorry I've ruined all your life, you don't deserve me", I say

-"There's no one else I rather be than you", he says and kisses me softly on the lips

-"I love you"

-"I love you too"

-"Then why are you ditching me with Johanna?", I say and he laughs. "why are you laughing?"

-"She is just helping me with something", he says and I feel more stupid than ever.

-"With what..?, I ask. He stands up

-"With something?"

-"What is it?"

-"I need you to come with me", he says


-"Somewhere. Just trust me", he helps me stand up and we walk downstairs. I intertwine my fingers with his and smile. We walk in silence back to the meadow and pass by the lake

-"Now close your eyes", he says as he covers my eyes with his hands.

-"And what if I stumble?"

-"Then I'll catch you", he says as he walks behind me and I smile. After another few steps, he stops me, turns me around so I'm facing him now. I look around us and there are rose petals on the floor surrounding us, making a perfect heart shape. And I look at Peeta, who is on his knees.

Oh God! How badly I've misjudge him;

-"Peeta", I whisper as tears start to form in the corners of my eyes.

-"Katniss, I just want you to know, that ever since I first saw you, when we were 5, I always imgined you like the one I was gonna ask to marry me. No one else. Because my heart has no space for loving anyone else the same way I love you. Cause my love for you has been, is, and will be forever eternal. And nothing, and no one can change that. You just said before that I should be happy with someone else who hasn't hurt me, but what's love without a little pain right? I one heard someone said that even a shatter heart has space in between for the light to enter. We are not a normal couple, and I hope we will never be. I want us to be weird together. I want us to be Katniss and Peeta Mellark. I love you, and I don't think anyone in the world can love like I love you, so Katniss, would you like to marry me?"

I'm crying a river now. All the worries I had were for nothing. And suddenly I see all the things we both have been through together, the 2 games we went to, the revolution, the rescuing, the hijacks, the hate, the pain, the fight, the love, the deaths, the destroys, the lefts, and slowly, slowly getting our lives back on track. Together

And now, the love of my life is asking me to marry him.

-"Yes, yes Peeta. I'll marry you", I say as he puts the ring in my finger. I take a quick look at it and smile. Its a silver one with a circle diamond in the middle. He stands up and I lock my legs around his waist.

-"I love you", I say and and then our lips meet. They fit each other perfectly, like they were made for each other, just like we are.

-"I love you", I say and then our lips meet again. And in this moments, all of our worries are long gone. I can only think about the boy I have in front of me. And that I'm gonna marry him soon. And I wanna get married now. I can't wait to be Katniss Mellark

Hey guys
Short chapter I know, but wasn't it cute? I had so much feels while writing it.
I hope you all liked it and I promise longer and more chapters soon!
Thanks for all the feedback this story is having, I love y'all

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