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As time goes by, which in time like this a 3 minutes are an eternity, I think of how our lives will change depending on the result of this small test.

-"How is it going?", Peeta asks from the other side of the door.

-"Still waiting", I reply immediately.Just remembering that 8 years ago, Peeta and I both got chosen for the 74th Hunger Games. He had already being in love with me since we were 5. Days later we were both the couple of the moment, surviving both instead of only one. Less than a year later, we both had to fake being in love, although he didn't really had to fake at all, and we were ready to get "married". Weeks later, the 75th Games were announced and again we had to go to the arena, were they took Peeta away, hijacking his mind and making him believe I wanted to kill him. There I realized how much I really had fallen in love for that boy and that I needed to fight back against the Capitol and the revolution started.  Half a year later he came back to me and tried to kill me. My sister died in the bombing, which also killed hundreds of innocent people -childrens-. After that, my best friend left me and I thought I would never see him again. I killed Coin and Snow died and the Capitol was taken by better people and helped everyone start their lives again. I went back to District 12, to my house where now neither my sister nor my mother were living with me. Months happened and I found Peeta, desperate because he was afraid of hurting me. Slowly but safely, we got together for real this time; no cameras, not faking just us. Some time later, exactly 5 years ago today, we got married and traveled around Panem together. I got to reunite with my mother, who moved back to 12 and started working in the hospital so she could spend more time with me. Gale met a really gorgeous and wonderful woman and had a girl, who they called Primrose, in honor to my late sister and they made me her godmother. Finnie turned 6 and started 1rst grade in school and Annie has clearly grown stronger. Johanna started a foundation to help orphan kids and travels through all Panem and is barely in 12 but we all see each other often. In District 7 she reunited with the one she loved and together adopted two kids, a boy and a girl. Effie and Haymitch got married a few months after us and are both very happy together, although they both drive insane each other pretty easily but they make it work. Peeta has been wanting to have kids ever since we got married. At the beggining I was scared, what if the Games started again? What if they were killed in a horrible manner like I killed so many when I was younger? What if they die before they were even born? But then Peeta made me realize that we only live one live and we have to make it the best. 7 years have happened and no games have happened and everyone is living happy with their love ones, why can't I be happy for once? Start a family. Grow old with Peeta. Everything is done. My job as the Mockingjay ended the moment Snow died, even if people still remember me as a hero. I wanna become something else than people's admiration icon. I wanna start my own family. Peeta and I with kids. Maybe 1 or 2 or 3. I dont care. As long as I'm with Peeta I dont need to worry, we are all gonna be safe. Kids, grandkids, all with Peeta, together. Until the day I die.

Bip Bip

The test sounds as the results of my test are done. I take one deep breath before looking at it.

-"Its done", I say and Peeta enters to the bathroom. He knels down and puts his hands on my knees.

-"What is it?", he asks with intrigued in his eyes. I know how bad he's hoping it will be positive. He really wants it and now I really want it to. Of course it will be hard for us,a completely new experience, but we will be able to confront it like we have done anything else, together.

- "I'm pregnant Peeta"


Real: An Everlark fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now