Chapter 34 - Planning

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*Katniss POV*

-"So, do you guys have thought of the place you want the wedding to be?", Johanna asks with a pen and paper in hand. We are all sitting on our kitchen table discussing the things for the wedding.

-"There is this gorgeous lake deep in the meadow that my father used to take when I was young. We were thinking of having the wedding there", I say and look at Peeta, who is sitting in front of me. He nods and smiles.

-"Okay, we will have to go check that place later. The dress..."

-"I'm taking care of that", Effie says and winks at me.

-"Then we need the list of the people that will be invited so we know how much stuff we need to buy"

-"We will give you the list later", Peeta says. I know that my list will be pretty short, including everybody in this room. And that's it. I don't know who Peeta is planning to invite though. I know some of this childhood friends survived the bombings and escaped to District 13 and are now living there. Anyways, I don't think that in our wedding there will be more than 20 people.

-"I'm also taking care of the food", Effie says.

-"And how are you plaaning on taking care of all that?", Haymitch asks.

-"I have my ways okay?", she says and they both stare at each other. I'm pretty sure they will end up getting married some day soon.

-"I was remembering that when I used to live in District 4, there was this boutique that sold beautiful things for weddings. I remember saying that when I got married I would have my stuff bought there. Anyways, maybe we can make a trip to 4 and get some stuff. It will be easier and cheaper than the Capitol", Annie says.

-"That's a great idea. I say we go tommorrow and have that done", Effie says. "Gale, Johanna do you guys wanna come with Annie and me?"


The guys should be arriving soon, they left to District 4 and eight in the morning, and the last train of the day arrives at 8 which means they should be here in less than half an hour.

I walk downstairs from my showering to see Peeta siting on a stool in the kitchen island, with the phone in one hand and a pencil in the other.

-"It's amazing. Cannot wait to get in touch with you then.", he says to the phone. I sit in front of him and the throws me a kiss. I smile. "Yeah, okay I'll see you then. Bye". He hangs up and writes something down on a paper.

-"Is that the list of the guests?", I ask and try to take it from him but he grabs it faster and folds in his pocket. He nods.

-"Are you done with all the people you are planning to invite?"

-"I'm only missing one, but I'll call tomorrow", he stands up kisses my nose before walking into the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water. I follow him, I don't understand why he didn't wanted me to see the list, after all is also my wedding. But I don't have time to discuss before someone knocks on the door. Peeta walks to the door and opens it. Gale, Johanna,Annie and Effie walk inside and greet us before sitting on the couch.

-"Did you guys bought anything?", I ask and grab a chair and pull in front of the couch.

-"Ohh god that store was the death of me. It had the most beautiful stuff you guys can even imagine.", dramatic Effie says.

-"But did you guys bought anything?", Peeta asks standing by my side.

-"Oh sure we did. Effie almost bough the whole store but we managed to take her out of the store before she had a heart attack", Gale says and Effie touches her chest, like she's hurt.

-"Everything is in my house. We decided it will be easy if everything is in another house", Johanna says.

-"Great. Thank you guys", I say and smile at them. "I don't know what we will do with all of you"

-"Ohh it's nothing brainless", Johanna says and I roll my eyes.

-"Anyways, I should be going now. I need to go pick up Finnie from Haymitch's house. I hope I made a good decition letting Finnie at Haymitch's care", Annie says and we all laugh.

-"If I was you, I'll be running already", I say and we laugh again before she hugs everybody goodbye and leaves.

-"We should get going too", Gale says and the three of them stand up.

-"You guys can stay for dinner if any of you want", Peeta offers.

-"Oh no. We are okay, but thanks alot", Johanna says.

-"And Katniss, tommorrow at 9 go to Annie's house at 9 to talk about the dress", Effie says and I nod.

-"And Peeta you come to my house so we can see what you are gonna be wearing", Gale says.

-" And in the afternoon, we will go see the lake you guys want the wedding to be in",says Johanna.

-"Okay, we understood everything. We will see you guys tommorrow. And thanks for everything", I say as I walk them to the door and say goodbye. Then i turn to Peeta and smile. This is alot for everybody who's helping, but at the end I know it will be more than worth it.


Hey guys!!

Hope you all like this chapter and sorry for not updating but I took a small break. Anyways Im back and gonna be posting weekly.

Don't forget to comment and vote if you guys liked it!!

I think this story is like 5 chapters left for the end!! But don't worry, a sequel will be done if I receive feedback!!

Thanks for y'all constant support!!



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