Chapter 21 - Noices

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*Katniss POV*

Many days have passed and Peeta hasnt talked to me at all. Peeta. I really miss him, with me, in my arms, in our bed.

One morning, I wake up, go downstairs and see Peeta cooking,his back facing me. I run toward him and hug him tightly, locking my arms around his neck.He stays in place, like he is trying to think if push me or pull me toward him. I hug him even tightier.

-"Please, you need to forgive me. You cant be mad at me forever. I need you or else Ill go insane."

He doesnt reply, but stares at me with his beautiful deep blue eyes that drive me crazy.

-"Can we atleast talk about it?", I say and he nods. We sit on the kitchen table.

-"I didnt mean to kiss him. Is just that I needed you, your kisses, your warmth and I went crazy and kissed back. The kiss didnt mean anything to me. Im so so sorry. Please forgive me", I cry.

He cups my face and dries my tears with his thumbs. He leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back, deeping the kiss. Then I sit on his lap.

-"And you definetely kiss better than him", I say while brushing his hair and he chuckles

-"Well, I am Peeta Mellark", He says and I roll my eyes while chucking.

-"I missed you", I say

-"I missed you too", he says and we kiss.

-"Now, what about your hijack?", I ask

-"Good news, my flashbacks are almost gone", he says


-"Yeah, but Ill have nightmares more often now", he says

-"I dont care. I love you so much",I say as I lock my arms around his neck.

-I love you more", he says as he rests his head on my shoulder, his warm breath tickling my neck.

-"Peeta. . .", I say while he kisses my neck. This feels so good. Peeta's kisses makes me want more and I know his kisses are the ones that I want, not Gale's

-"Yeah. . . ", he says between kisses.

-"Im hungry", I say.

He rolls his eyes and I stand up so he can stand. I smile, Im realily happy to have him back with me.

                      ~NEXT DAY~

I wake up in Peeta's arms by some noice coming out of the street. Oh God, how good it feels to wake up in his arms again. About the sound it sounds more like if someone is having a carnival outside. I open my eyes and Peeta is sleeping peacefully by my side, snoring lightly.

-"Peeta wake up", I say as I try to loose myself from his arms.

-"Uh?", he asks as he opens one eye.

-"How can you sleep with all these noice?", I ask. He grabs me by my waist, pulling me closer to him. I look at him and he already closed his eyes and is sleeping again.

-"Peeta please wake up Im hungry", I say while I shake him softly.

-"5 more minutes", he says without opening his eyes.

I lay by his side observing every detail in him. His eyelashes. His jawline. His perfect muscles that he shows under his tight shirt. His messy morning hair. I feel the urge to kiss him so I lean in. I kiss him and he inmediately flushes his eyes open. Then he kisses back and deepens the kiss. We finally stop when our lungs beg for air.

-"Good way to wake me up", he gives me a light kiss as he speaks. I chuckle

-"Lets go downstairs and find out what is making all these noise", I say as I stand up. He sits on the corner of the bed and then he lays down again and pats the bed so I lay down again next to him.

-"Maybe later", he says as he closes his eyes again. I roll my eyes and smile.

I lay by his side but been unable to sleeo because of the noise. But I wouldnt change my lazy boyfriend for anything.

Two years ago I was fighting to give food to my family and I couldnt even think about boys and now Im laying on our bed, next to the love of my life.

*Peeta's POV*

I wake up and Katniss is laying down next to me, brushing  my hair with her fingers. There is a really loud noise outside.

-"Sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up", she says. I roll my eyes and kiss her softly.

-"Wanna go downstairs?", I ask

-"Though you'll never ask", she says as we stand up. I lay down again and she rolls her eyes. She takes my hands and tries to stand me up but she cant and falls over me, our noses touching.

-"Have I ever told you how handsome you are?", she asks and I blush.

-"Only like a hundred times", I say and she chuckles.

-"Have I ever told you how much I love you?", I ask her to her neck.

-"Never", she teases me.

-"Well. . ", I say and I kiss her neck and all the way to her earbone and jaw. "I. . .love. . .you . . . Katniss. . . Everdeen. . .", I say betwenn kisses ending in her lips

-"What? I cant hear you?", she teases me

-"I love you Katniss Everdeen, so so much", I say to her neck making her shiver.

-"I love you so so much Peeta Mellark"



Heyy guyss!!

Im extremelly sorry. You guys dont know how much I have missed you. Well, I was at vacation and Im back!!

Sorry for the short chapter but I left it like this because I havent write the rest (Im extremely lazy!!)

But whatever. .  Thank you guys so much for 1.2k reads and almost 100 votes!!

I love you guys so much.



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