Chapter 23 - Happy to see you again

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  When we reach the Victor's Village, we walk by Annie's house.

-"Let's invite Annie over to dinner too", I tell Peeta and he nods

-"Oh God! I havent seen Annie since she was pregnant. The baby must be so big now!", Johanna says.

-"Finn is so big is crazy", Peeta says. "You know Johanna, Im really happy to see you again"

-"Ohh  Peeta… I have missed you too baby", she says as she pinches his cheeks. Then he embraces her in a hug while I go and knock on Annie's. I dont get jealous of Johanna, Peeta and her consider themselves like siblings; after all. they have been through a lot together.

I knock twice and Annie opens the door, carrying Finnie in her arms, who is crying desperately.

-"Hey Katniss, come on in", she says while Finnie cries.

-"Oh no thank you. I see you are busy. I was wondering If you would like to have dinner tonight, around 8㏘?"

-"Oh yes, Ill love it…Finnie baby please", she says to Finnie, who refuses the pacifier Annie gave him. Suddenly, Peeta walks toward us and surrounds me with his strong arms from behind.

-"Hey Annie… Oh Finnie what's wrong baby?",Peeta asks as he lets me go and walks toward Annie and carries Finnie in his arms.

-"Shh… baby don't cry", he says and Finnie stops inmediately and Peeta rocks him until he falls asleep. Annie and I just stared at them. Annie tried to rock and calm him but it was Peeta who got to calm Finnie. He would be an amazing father. Definetely.

-"Im gonna go put him in his crib",Peeta whispers and Annie nods.

-"Oh… well. This was…something strange", Annie says and I nod.

-"I hate the idea of a carnival to celebrate what we try to forget", she says.Finnick's first anniversary is next week. I know how devastated these must be for her.

-"I know", I reply.

Wait… Where is Johanna? I look around but I dont see her. Oh well… Ill ask Peeta later.

-"How can you do it?I was trying to call him for almost an hour and you suddenly grab him and he falls asleep",I turn around and I see Annie and Peeta talking.He laughs at Annie's comment. Apparently, Finnie is already asleep in hic crib.

-"Oh… I dont know. I really like kids and apparently they like me too", Peeta says as he looks at me. I look away. He is indirectly telling me he wants kids badly. I know. But I just wanna get married first.


-"Peeta?", I ask while we walk back to our house. My fingers are interwined in his.


-"Where's Johanna?", I ask.

-"Oh… she said she wanted to give Annie a surprise tonight. Plus she saw a friend and went to talk with him"


-"Katniss, what do you prefer for dessert tonight? Cheesebuns or cheesecake?", he asks me.

-"Cheesebuns!!", I scream like a little girl. He laughs. "What? Your cheesebuns are the best". Suddenly he grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer to him.

-"No, you are the best", he says and with that my lips crash in his.



Heyy guys!!

I have missed you guys so much!

I havent post like in forever but I started school and volleyball again and I have a lot of scheldules but Im back!

First of all I wanna say thank you to all of you for 4.4k reads and 180+ votes!! I love you guys so much!

Second I wanna tell you guys that if you wanna know when Ill post more fanfic just follow me and Ill post when Ill update my stories.

Im so happy to be back

Love and kisses,


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