Chapter 2 - Is that you?

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*Katniss POV*

I need fresh air so I decide to take a walk though the woods and then go to Haymitch's house.I really need a friend now.

When I reach his house I think if I should knock or not. "He is probably drunk so" I think as I open the door. When I open the door I hear someone else is talking with Haymitch. I quietly reach the living room, they are talking on the kitchen but I can hear perfectly from here. And then I recognize the other voice. Peeta. Oh God, how great it feels to hear his voice, his soft, warm voice.

-"I cant handle this anymore Haymitch, you know that", his voice sounds desperate.

-"Then why dont you go talk to her? ,Haymitch says and for what I can hear, I think hes sober

-"I cant hurt her anymore,  Im having flashbacks more often and they are getting worse, Haymitch! But I cant stand been without her, without Katniss. She saved my life!",he shouts the last part.

I knew since they started talking, that they were talking about me. But the way he says it makes me feel guilty, after all is all my fault Snow got him and hijacked his mind.

"You could live a hundred lifetimes and never deserve him" Haymitch's words cross my mind as I think, even though is all my fault, he still loves me.

Then I hear Peeta's steps walking toward the living room, I can hear he's sobbing but instead of hidding or running I just stay there with tears in my eyes too, because the boy with the bread still loves me ater all. Then he stops and looks at me startle but I just run toward him and hug him. At first, he just stays there in shock, but then he hugs me back.

-"Katniss. . . ", he says with his sweet


-"Shh. . .", I whisper because I dont want him to talk to me, I just wanna hug him forever, freeze this moment because, even if it is for a second, I have the boy with the bread with me.



Soo. . . What do you guys think??

Peeta is back.  Do you guys think I should make the chapters longer?

Hope you like this chapter


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