Chapter 8 - So what are we?

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*Katniss POV*

-"I love you", I say as I kiss him. I cant believe I did that. Tell him that I love him. This is the first time I tell someone I love them. Except Prim.

-"I love you more", he replies. How couldnt I have notice before he was perfect for me?

-"I wanna see a movie", I say.

-"Whatever you want, he replies as I walk to the living room, I will go to the kitchen and make you a surprise"

I love his surprises. I choose a comedy movie and then I walk to the kitchen. He looks so peaceful when he bakes. I run and hug him from behind. Then he turns around and throws flour at me and he laughs.

-"Oh, Im getting you", I say while I pick flour and he runs. But then he falls and I try to help him get up but he looks so funny, cover in flour in the floor. I cant help him and I fall over him.

-"Ohh, I fell because of my prosthetic leg, but you just fell because you are dumb", he says laughing and then he leans and I kiss him.

Then I realize Im over him. He doesnt say anything but I know Im not a feather, im heavy so I get up and help him. Then he walks to the kitchen and takes cheesebuns off the oven.

-"My favorite", I gasp as I hug him.

After we finish the cheesebuns, we sit on the couch and watch the movie I picked before. The movie was pretty funny. I love when he laughs. Then, when the movie ended, Peeta went to the bathroom.

So what are we now? A couple? Friends? Should we leave it this way? I dont know

-"I wanna know what is going on in that mind of yours", he says as he walks by. Then he kisses my forehead.

-"Peeta, Im hungry", is all I can reply.

-"What do you wanna eat?", he asks.


-"Sure" , he says as he walks to the kitchen.

I dont know what to do. I shouldn't be worrying about this. After all, I have him back. But I cant stop thinking about that.

-"Peeta, Im gonna take a shower!" I yell.

-"Okay, Ill be here if you need me", he yells back.

I go upstairs and take a shower. I can see the scars in my body from the war. I wash my hair and that relax me. I put an orange shirt and some white shorts and braid my hair as usual.

I go downstairs. I can smell pizza from here. Made by my favorite cooker. My boy the bread.

I quietly walk toward the kitchen and I see him setting the table.

*Peeta's POV*

So Katniss asked me if I could make here pizza. How could I say no? So I walk to the kitchen to start with the pizza.

-"I am  gonna take a shower", she yells probably from the living room.

-"Okay, Ill be here if you need me", I yell back.

"Should I tell her how much I have missed her? Tell her that I wanna be with her forever? But, does she feels the same way about me? I think she does, I mean there are no more cameras, games, Capitol for her to be acting.She needs me and I need her.", I think as I bake.

After I start setting the table, I hear her voice.

-"Need help?" She asks me, as she takes some napkins and put them on a table. She looks beautiful. Her hair is all wet in her usual side braid with a shirt with my favorite color.

-"Dont worry, you can just sit there if you want", I say but she ignores me and finishes setting the table while I take the pizza out of the oven.

We sit next to each other and each take one slice of pizza.

-"Katniss, tomorrow Ill go where the old bakery was because some workers are going to rebuild it so I can work again" I say.

-"That...Thats great, can I go with you?, she asks excited.

-" Of course you can", I say as I lean for a kiss.

She stops me before I can kiss her. So I stop and I sit back in my chair. I stare at my pizza but I know something is wrong

-"The pizza is great, thank you", she says

-"Ehh, whatever", I reply still looking at my pizza.

-"Ohh...Really? Come on Peeta", she looks annoyed.

-Do you love me. Real or Not Real?, I ask staring at her gray eyes.



Oh no!! What is wrong with Katniss? Does she wants to be with Peeta?

Hope you like this long chapter. Posting more tommorrow.

THANK YOU so much for 63 readers!!



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