Chapter 1 - Nightmares

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*Katniss POV*

-"Peeta, Peeta!", I scream as i sit in my bed. Another nightmare. Twice tonight.

Usually I have been having nightmares about us in the arena or Snow torturing and killing him.

I wish it could be like back in the Victory Tour, when he slept with me because of my nightmares, his arms around me while my head rested in his chest. But now, that seems a long time ago, unreachable.

We havent talk since the war ended. Too many emotions for me to handle alone but ever since Prim died, Gale left me and my mom moved, I have been in my favorite place: the woods.

I cant get over Prim's death. Poor innocent Prim. My little duck. I wish I could have died instead of her. The only person that really understand me, that was always there for me now is gone.

I look at the clock. 6:39㏂. I decide to wake up and get dress. I put a random shirt and some jeans and braid my hair as usual. I go downstairs and prepare some pancakes for breakfast.

After breakfast I go upstairs and look for the picture of Prim i have in my closet. It makes me feel closer to her. Like shes with me. I sit on my bed, looking at my beautiful sister with her two golden braids, that made her look so beautiful and young. Then I notice im crying to much so I just give the picture a hug and then I put it back in place and i go to the bathroom to wash my face.

So what do you guys think about this first chapter? I hope you love it and tell me what you think.



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