Chapter 9 - Real

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*Peeta's POV*

-"I really dont know. It is hard for me. Im really confuse but..."

-"But what?!?!", I stop her before she finishes.

-"I dont know. What are we? Friends? A couple? I dont wanna go that far. We are only 17..." I stop her again.

-"Is that what has be bothering you lately? What are we? I dont know what you want but I wanna be with you. I dont care", I shout the last part, regreting doing that.

I see tears rolling through her eyes. I was a little harsh. I shouldnt have done that.

She runs upstairs, goes to her room and slam the door.

I run upstairs and knock the door. No answer.

-"Im so sorry Katniss, please open the door", I say quietly.

-"Go away Peeta", she sobs.

I run downstairs, grab a knife and then try to open the door. And I did. I know I should respect her privacy but she needs me and Im so sorry.

When I open the door, she is laying on her bed, crying. I sit in the bed. I pat her back.

-"Im so sorry Katniss. I shouldnt have yell at you. Im so stupid" I say as I stand up.

She grabs my hand and pulls me closer to her.Then she kisses me and I kiss her back. I grab her by her waist while she surrounds her arms around my neck.

-"Ask me again", she tells me, still sobbing.

-"Ask you what?", I ask.

-"If I love you", she smiles

-"Okay, Katniss Everdeen, Do you love me. Real or Not Rea..." She stops me with a kiss.

-"Real...Real. Im sorry for what I said later" she tells me.

I smile and then I kiss her.

-"So I guess now you dont have to worry about what are, dont you?, I say and she giggles.

-"No, this is exactly what I want.", she says as she kisses me.

-"Now lets go finish our pizza" I say.

-" I love you Peeta Mellark"

-"I love you more, Katniss Everdeen" I reply

*Katniss POV*

I wake up and strech my hand, looking for Peeta, but he is not by my side. He is probably downstairs. Then I remember, I am going with Peeta to the bakery. I get up and take a quick shower.

I put a long-sleeve shirt, some jeans and I let my hair down. I go downstairs. He is in the kitchen.

-"Morning my baker", I say as I hug him from behind.

-"Morning beautiful", he turns around and kisses me in the cheek. I blush, "No nightmares tonight"

-"Yeah, probably because I finally have you with me", I say and he smiles, "What are you doing?", still hugging him from behind.

-"Pancakes and bacon, but I can do sonething else if you want"

-"Whatever you do is fine with me", I reply as I sit on a high table I have on the kitchen.

Then he brings our plates to the table.

-"So when are we going to the bakery?", I ask

-"Excited uh? I need to be there at nine, so we still have 30 minutes to eat breakfast", he says.

He takes a sit by my side and watches me while we eat. I cant help but blush.

-"You know its impolite to stare, dont you?", I say and he smiles.

We eat our breakfast in silence. Then Peeta takes our plates to the sink to rinse them. Then he comes back and sits again by my side.

-"Katniss, Im gonna go to my house to get change okay?", he says.

-"Sure", I nod.

He turns to me and kisses my cheek and then he walks out.

I go upstairs, go to my room, and look for the locket Peeta gave me. I found it  and then I put it around my neck.

Then, I hear the door open. Probably Peeta. I walk downstairs. But no. It was Haymitch.

-"Hey, sweetheart", he says as he sits down in a chair.

-"Morning Haymitch", I reply.

-"So... What happened between you and the boy?"

-" Well after I came home, I took a nap and then he knocked the door and told me he wanted to talk but I just started crying and then he calmed me and then well ... To make the story short, we are back together", I say.

-"So happy for you", he says. I know he is sober because the train that brings the alcohol arrives in the weekend.

-"Thanks Haymitch for everything", I say as I hug him.

Then I see Peeta standing in the doorframe. He is wearing some black skinny jeans and a plaid shirt. I love when he wears plaid.

-"Were you spying on us?",I say playfully as I walk toward him and give him a hug.

-"Maybe...", he says and then he kisses me."Oh sorry, hey, Haymitch" he says when we finished kissing

-"Hey boy. Where are you guys going?", he asks.

-"Im gonna rebuild the bakery and Katniss is coming with me", he says grabbing me by my waist.

-"Thats great! Well see you later guys. Oh, and Peeta I need to talk to you when you come back" Haymitch says and then he is gone.

-"What is wrong?", I ask.

-"I dont know, but you dont worry. Ill find out later. Okay?", he says and then he kisses me.


Long chapter. What do you guys think?

Im posting more tommorrow. Hope you like it. Plz vote and comment.



Real: An Everlark fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now