Chapter 16 - Dont leave me

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*Annie's POV*

We walk down to the Victors Village and I cant help but shiver. Its getting really cold outside and I hope my baby is okay. Peeta seems to notice my worry because he stops and looks at me.

-"If he is with Katniss, he will be safe. I promise". He is so lovely. The way he talks about Katniss and protects her. Just remembers me of Finnick. When he told me that he loved me. When he asked me to marry him. When I told him I was pregnant. I just dont want anything to happen to them. They need to be together, for Finnick and me, who couldnt.

When we arrive to Katniss house, I notice that Peeta is shaking. He is really nervous.

-"Come on, knock the door", I say and he knocks. We wait but no one answers. Now I start to shake.

-"Where's my boy?", I start to panic, but Peeta calms me down.

-"I have a key for Katniss house. I will go get it okay? Meanwhile, you wait here in case she opens the door", Peeta says and he runs to his house.

What if something happened to them? I dont know what I will do. The only thing keeping me alive is Finnie, if he is gone, Ill have nothing.

Peeta comes back running witg the keys. We both are scared of what we might see but Peeta stays calmed and opens the door.

All our worries were for nothing.

When Peeta opens the door, we see Katniss sleeping in the couch, with Finnie sleeping in her chest. I look at Peeta and he sighs and smiles. He has a little tear rolling through his cheek.

-"She will be a great mother one day, you know", I say.

-"She will", he says.

-"Now go wake her up", I say patting his shoulder. He smiles and then he walks toward her.

-"Sweety, wake up", I can hear Peeta say, sitting next to her, while he plays with her hair.

-"Peeta", she whispers as she opens her eyes.

Finnie wakes up too and I go grab him. I sit him with him on a chair in the kitchen, to let them talk alone. But I cant go because I need to make sure Peeta can handle it

*Katniss POV*

-"Swetty, wake up". It sounds like Peeta. No, it cant be. We arent seeing each other. I guess we are nothing anymore.

-"Peeta", I whisper as I open my eyes to confirm it.

Of course it was Peeta. His beautiful blue eyes meet mine with happiness. I wanna hug him, but I remember I have Finnie resting on my chest. Annie comes, takes Finnie and walks away. I sit and Peeta sits next to me.

-"Looks like we are alone now", he says and I blush. I dont know what to say. I was never good at speaking, but I never had trouble taking to him now. Before, when we were younger I had trouble, I didnt knew how to thank him for the bread, but now, I always knew what to say.

We always had something to talk about, but now I dont so I just lean closer and kiss him on the lips. When our lips touch, the world seems to disappears, like we are everything. Like the kiss in the cave. Like the one on the beach. I feel invinsible.

I stop the kiss to grab some air but inmediately he pulls me closer again and kisses me. I feel alive again. I feel happy.

When we stop kissing, we just stare at each other, my forehead press to his.

-"How is your head going? You know, after what I did?", he asks sadly. I roll my eyes and sit closer to him.

-"I love the fact that you worry so much about me so much, but I have already told you, Im okay", I say and I give him a peck on the lips

-"Okay. But you know how much I care", he says as he pats my leg. I remember about how bad he hurt himself. I grab his wrists and I see how bad the cut was.

-"Its okay", he says before I speak. Im so mad at him for doing that but I dont wanna start an argument. I dont wanna loose him again. I give him a kiss on the nose.

-"Im so mad at you for doing this, you know?", I say and smile so he doesnt feel guilty.

-"I know", he says as he gives me a light kiss. I kiss him back. Then I rest my head on his chest.

-"Now promise me you will never leave me again", I say to his shirt. He cups my head with his hand so his eyes meet mine.

-"Katniss Everdeen, I will never leave you again. I promise", he says and we kiss .

*Peeta's POV*

-"Now promise me you will never leave me again", she says. I cup her head with my hands so she looks at me in the eyes.

-"Katniss Everdeen, I will never leave you again. I promise", I say and I kiss her with a long pasionate kiss. Then she rests her head on my chest and falls asleep.

I carry her braid style to her room. She must be really tired, we went through a lot today. I put her in bed and she opens her eyes.

-"Stay with me", she says

-"Always", I reply, "but first, let me go put Annie and Finnie in the guest room and then Ill be back"

-"Ill go with you. I dont wanna loose you again", she says as she stand up.

-"I promise I wont go anywhere. Here", I say as I take my shirt off,"If im gone, at least you will have something to remember me", she gives me a peck on the lips, grabs my shirt and falls asleep again.

I go downstairs and I see Annie playing with Finnie in the kitchen.

-"Is everything okay?", she asks. She doesnt seem to bother that Im shirtless.

-"She is asleep now. Thank you for checking on me. I guess someone needs to sleep too", I say as I grab Finnie. "He is beautiful". I didnt have the chance to see him before. I rock him until he falls asleep.

-"You really want them, dont you?", Annie asks.

-"Kids? I will love to, but Katniss doesnt feel like it right now", I sigh.

-"Is just a matter of time Peeta", she says

and I sigh.

-"Come on, I will show you the guest room", I say while I have Finnie in my arms and Annie follows me. I open the door.,"If you need me, Ill be upstairs. Goodnight", I say as I close the door.

I walk upstairs and Katniss is sleeping peacefully pressing my shirt in her chest. I lay down in my side of the bed.

-"Katniss, Im back", I whisper and she cuddles next to me. She rest her head on my chest and falls asleep. But I couldnt sleep. I shouldnt see Katniss and I hope I wont have another flashback until I see the doctor.

Slowly, I fall asleep.



Katniss and Peeta are back! What do you guys think??

Thank you for your comments and your votes and reads. They mean alot to me.

Hope you like this chapter.



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