Chapter 26 - Strenght

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*Katniss POV*

Johanna's words left me speechless. Did Johanna Mason just said that?

I feel tears start to form in the corners of my eyes. I put my hands on my mouth, fighting back my tears. I don't know what to say. I look at Peeta and he smiles big and looks at me.

-"Oh Johanna, that's so sweet", Annie says with tears in her eyes too. Annie is an extremely sensible person.

-"Well, you were the one who always told me to stay strong when they captured us. You told me to keep fighting. For Katniss... You told me how much Katniss would have suffered if I died", Peeta says and I lean in ans kiss him as my tears roll through my cheeks and get crushed in our skin. He went through all of that just to survive, for me. It would have been much more easy and less painful for him if he had just died there. He had no more family left. He had no district to live anymore. He didnt knew how I was. But he stayed. For my own sake. And I couldn't love him more.

His lips are the first ones to break apart. He looks at me and I understand what he means. Gale is here and is watching us. I sit back and smile awkwardly. I look and see Finnie starting to fall asleep.

-"Well... I better get going, Finnie needs to sleep. Thanks for the dinner guys, it was amazing" , Annie says and stands up. She grabs Finnie from his chair and I stand up too. She hugs everyone.

-"Goodnight guys. I hope we will get to see each other more often", she says and the we walk to the door. I open the door, hug Annie and kiss Finnie's little forehead.

-"He really loves you, y'know", Annie says and I smile.

-"I know. I guess I'm really lucky to have him"

-"Take care of him. One day you may loose them forever and you don't realize what you had until you loose it", she says and I see tears in her eyes. But she doesn't cry. She has been growing stronger. Just like all of us. I hug her even tightier.

I know Annie. I know what is like to loose someone too. I can loose him tomorrow and I can never get to show him how much I love him

Gale is the next one to leave. He got a house and is planning on buying it and bringing his mother and his siblings back. I'm quite happy about it. Maybe we can build back our friendship. I hope we can. Peeta even offered him a job at his bakery, which will be open soon. After Peeta walked Gale to the door and came back, Johanna speaks.

-"Well, I better leave now too"

-"Johanna, I was hoping maybe you would like to stay here overnight", Peeta says.

-"Ohh.... Sure. But I don't wanna cause any disturbs", she says.

-"Oh no, of course you can stay. Peeta, would you like to show her the guestroom while I finish with the dishes?", I say. He nods and dissapears with Johanna.

Once I finish with the dishes I walk upstairs and change my clothes into one of Peeta's big shirt and don't bother to put any pants on. I lay down in bed and wait for him to come to bed. But my sleep beats me; I feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier before I fall asleep

heyy guys I hope you liked this chapter. I liked it xD.

Anyways thanks for 12.3k+ reads!!! That's nuts. I love you guys so much and thanks for reading my stories.

Ill update my other story this week too because next week and the next one I'm going to LA for the Mockingjay premiere. I'm so excited. But I'm not gonna be able to update there.

Also remember that I update when I can because I have literally 7 volleyball practices per week +  volleyball games  + school + homework + internet + reading+ fanfic so yeah. My life is pretty busy.

Don't forget to vote and comment. I love you guys so much. Don't worry, I'm gonna tell you guys what happened in the premiere.


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