Chapter 11 - Cant we just be happy?

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*Katniss POV*

So I talked to Peeta and insisted that I could help pay the bakery. He is happier than ever. I mean, the bakery will feed us both. And I love to help him. He would do the same for me.

-"I love you so much", he tells me as he hugs me and spins me around.

Then he goes to the phone and dials a number, having the paper the worker give him in his hands. Probably calling them.

-"Hey, yeah. Its me. Peeta Mellark", he says. I can hear the other line is talking.

-"Yeah, well I wanna tell you that I have the money, so when do you think you can start?", Peeta says as he strachs the back of his neck.

-"Okay perfect, So see you there.",he says and then he hangs up.

-"So...", I say as I pat the couch so he can sit next to me, "What did he tell you?"

-"He says that if I have the money, he can start building the bakery next week. It will take approximately 3-4 months to rebuild it. I have to see him tomorrow to pay him half and sign the contract.", he says as he sits by my side.

-"That's awesome", I say.

-"Couldnt have done it without you", he says as he kisses my lips.

-"You're always there for me, so now Im here for you too", I say. Then I put my head in his chest and he surrounds me with his strong arms. We stay like this a long time.

-"Well, I guess Ill go see Haymitch, are you staying here?", he asks as he stands up.

-"Yeah,I guess. Dont stay there for too long", I say.

*Peeta's POV*

-"Well,I guess Ill go see Haymitch. Are you staying here?", I ask as I stand up. I dont know why but I can feel something is wrong.

-"Yeah, I guess. Dont stay there for too long", she says.

-"I wont", I say as I walk to the door and then I throw her a kiss and she acts like she catches it.

I left my house, leaving  Katniss there, swearing her that I would come back as soon as I can.I walk to Haymitch house.

I try to open the door, he always leaves the door open, but strangely the door is locked. I knock and a sober Haymitch opens the door.

-"Since when you lock the door?", I ask.

-"Since now", he says as I enter.

-"So, you wanted to talk to me?, I ask him

I am worry. Is it good? Is it bad?Is something wrong with Katniss?

-"Your doctor called me yesterday because he called you house but you didnt answer. He says that your last test showed that you flashbacks will keep increasing faster than ever if you dont go see him as soon as possible. He needs to see you."

-"But I saw him last week", I say confuse.

-"I dont know kid. This shit looks serious", Haymitch says with his arms crossed.

-"So... Im not getting any better?", I start to cry. Haymitch let me rest my head in his shoulders.

-"Wha... What about Katniss?... What Im going to tell her?", I sob.

-"The doctor told me that you should avoid Katniss until you see him because that might cause you flashbacks to come more often", Haymitch says.

I start to cry harder. Is not just that im not getting any better, but Ill have to leave Katniss.

-"Can I call the doctor now?", I ask Haymitch.

He stands up and brings me the phone.I dial the doctor's number.

-"Hey, Dr. Aurelious's office. How can I help you?", the nurse answers.

-"Hey, its Peeta Mellark. I would like to speak with the doctor"

-"Oh, sure Peeta, let me get him", she says. I wait a moment and then I hear the doctor's voice, "Hey Peeta. Long time no seen"

-"Hey Dr., Haymitch told me that you wanna talk to me. That you called but I didnt answer because I was at Katniss's house", I say

-"Yeah. Probably Haymitch told you everything...".

-"Why cant I see Katniss?" I stop him

-"When was the last time you had a flashback?", he asks.

-"Yesterday", I answer.

-"Was Katniss there?' he asks again.


-"Well, and before that flashback, do you remember any other?", he asks again. Im getting pretty annoyed by all his questions.

-"Three days before the last one", I reply

-"Well, you cant see Katniss because she is the one that is keeping the flashbacks alive. And Im sure you dont wanna hurt her. It would be the best for both. At least until I see you", he says.

-"Can I see you tommorrow?", I ask hoping that he would say yes.

-"Tommorrow is Saturday and I dont work weekends. Im sorry Peeta", he says.

-"Monday?". I ask.

-"Yeah. I guess, let me check in my calendar", he is gone a couple of minutes.

I think of what I am gonna tell Katniss. Who is gonna calm her nightmares...

-"I can Tuesday at 10. Nothing sooner.Im sorry Peeta", the doctor says.

-"I guess Ill see you Tuesday", tears are rolling down my face.

-"Sorry. See you there", he says.

I hang up and sit on the couch. I put my hands on my head and I start to yell. Im so sad and mad and angry.

I tell Haymitch all the doctor told me. He doesnt talk. He pats my back.

After a long pause,  he whispers: "Im so sorry kid".

-" I should go. Katniss is probaly worried..and I have to talk with her", I sob as I stand up

Haymitch walks me out. Is great having a sober Haymitch. But this is probably the last day because the train that brings the alcohol arrives next week.

I start to cry harder as Im approaching  to my house. Then I sit on the porch until Im calm.

Still sobbing, I open the door.


Hey guys!! I know this chapter is a little boring but interesting stufd is coming.

I wrote this chapters months ago so I know they arent really good.

Dont forget to vote.



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