Chapter 31 - How different my life would be

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*Katniss POV*

We walk back to our house. I'm so happy now, more than ever. I still can't believe I'm marrying the man I love!

-"So you're not worried anymore?", Peeta asks me as he walks to me with a bowl of chips and a glass of water. He sits by my side on the couch and puts the things on the coffee table.

-"Not anymore. Now I don't have anything else to worry besides the wedding", I say as I snuggle into his chest.

-"And when do you wanna get married?"

-"If I could, I would marry you now", I say and he laughs

-"No, but really when do you want the wedding to be?"

-"On your birthday", I say and his eyes grow bigger.

-"Are you serious? But my birthday is in less than two weeks!", he says

-"We can do it. Maybe we can call all of our friends and invite them to lunch, tell them and ask them if they wanna help"

-"Sure, we'll call them later", he says. We stay in silence for a while. I really wanna ask him about Johanna, but I'm afraid he'll get mad at me for getting in his life.



-"Can I ask you something?"

-"Anything. What do you want to know?"

-"How was Johanna helping you with the proposal?", I ask and he sits down and suddenly I get scared of what he's gonna reply.

-"Oh that. I knew you were gonna ask that sooner or later. Well, the day she came with Annie and Finnie to dinner and she stayed, we talked and I told her how I wanted to proposed to you. So the next week we met a few times to go buy the ring, plan all the things, and how I was gonna do it. She helped me a lot . She did everything except the speech and the ring. She has choose one and I was gonna buy it, but then when I saw this one", he grabs my hands and touches my ring, "I immediately knew this was the one"

-"It is. I love it", I say and kiss him briefly

-"I'm glad you do"


The first one to arrive is Johanna. I go and open the door and she immediately hugs me tightly. I hug her back

-"Congratulations brainless", she says happily. I feel guilty. I actually though she and Peeta were together. And she was only helping.

-"Thank you so much, for everything", I say

-"Aww, its nothing. I'm glad you two are finally getting married"

-"Yeah, that's basically why we invited you and everyone else to dinner. But don't say anything, cause they don't know", I say as we walk to the couch

-"So who else is coming?", Johanna asks and suddenly someone knocks on the door again.

-"I'll get it", Peeta says and I nod.

-"Johanna, I'm sorry", I say once Peeta can't hear us.

-"I know, Peeta told me. Its okay. I would have douths also if I were you"

-"Hi girls", suddenly Gale says as he walks inside, followed by Annie and Finnie in Peeta's arms. We both stand up and walk to them. I kiss Finnie's nose.

-"Hello baby", I say as he giggles and claps his hands. I hug Annie and then I walk to Gale. I hug him tightly.

-"Hi Catnip", he tells me and I smile big. I'm happy to see that at least he dares to call me like that again. I guess it means we can still be friends.


After we are half way eating, Peeta and I look at each other.

-"Guys, we need to tell y'all something...", Peeta says

-"Katniss is pregnant!", Annie shouts enthusiastically and I shake my head. I put on my ring, which I took off earlier so they wouldn't know.

-"We are getting married", I say and point at my ring. Annie starts to cry and Gale just smiles, like Johanna. I know how he feels for me, but he knows that Peeta and I are both haunted by the same ghost and that eventually, we were gonna get married.

-"Oh my god Katniss!I can't believe it!", Annie grabs my hand to take a better view of the ring. "Its beautiful. Looks like the one Finnick gave me". I look at her and she's smiling, trying to hide the fact that she's still no, and never will be,

over his death.

-"Congratulations guys! I'm so happy for you two. Especially for you Katniss, to see that you are getting you life back on track", Gale says and I put my hands over Peeta's who is resting on the table. "And I'm happy to see that you are marrying an amazing man that definitely loves you more than anything". I start to let my tears fall.

Gale, how deep inside wants me to be with him, still hopes the best for us. I smile at him and he smiles back.

And I think how different my life would be if I had never been reaped, if I never met Peeta. And I know that's exactly what he is currently thinking.

if I haven't met Peeta, I would now be engaged to Gale

Hey guy
Lame chapter I know didn't like it but i wanted to post because I promised a chapter on the week and I couldn't because Ivve been having some family problems and I still have them so yeah.
Anyways I hope y'all liked this chapter, don't forget to comment and vote

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