Chapter 27 - Doubting everything

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*Katniss POV*

Peeta and Johanna has being hanging around all week. I don't know what's going on but Peeta tells me not to worry. The day Johanna stayed for the night, Peeta came to bed really late. The other morning I asked him what took him so long and he told me he was just "talking" with Johanna. But everyday since she came, he has been out of the house all day. I should trust him, but for some reason I can't. I always trusted him. But now I start to get my doubts. He could be secretely dating Johanna. They have so much in common, surely more things than I share with Peeta. They both went together through the same things. I don't know what they suffered to understand him, meanwhile Johanna does. She told me once how she could hear his screams and cries while he was being tortured. And that makes me so mad with myself. I shouldnt have let the Capitol took him away from me. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm jealous. Jealous of Johanna for understanding Peeta probably more than I'll ever will.

I open my eyes and stretch, hoping to feel Peeta's body by my side. As I figured, he wasn't. I grown and stand up. It has been like this for for the last couple of days. I walk downstairs and, for my surprise, he is sitting on the table, talking to someone on the phone. Peeta seems to notice me and whispers to the phone.

-"Okay, thanks a lot, I'll call you later. Bye", and hangs up. He stands up, walks to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

-"Good morning beautiful", he says as he kisses me.

-"Hey", I say as I kiss back unenthusiastically. He seems to notice that something is wrong and lets go of me.

-" "Your breakfast is at the kitchen table", he says as he sits back." Are you okay babe?"

-"Thanks", I reply and go grab my plate. I set it on the table and sit in front of Peeta.

-"Katniss...Are you okay?", he asks more serious now.


-"Stop playing dumb. Tell me, what's wrong?"

-"I'm just not feeling so well". I lie, hoping he won't notice I'm lying. He is so good at reading other people

-"Ohh... What are you feeling?"

-I have a headache", I lie again. I hate lying to Peeta.

-"Well... I was planning on going out, but if you don't feel so good, maybe I should stay", he says. For much I want him to stay, I know he will figure out that there is another thing bothering me.

-"Its okay, you can go. Where are you going anyways?". I ask him

-"The bakery's constructor called, he told me the bakery is due in two weeks. He needs to see me"

-"That's pretty fast", I say

-"Yes, I know. And I can't wait for it to be done. I wanna go back and work again. I wanna teach my kids how to bake, like my father did with me"

Hint. Hint. Babies. I know Peeta, just wait a little more.

-"I wanna go with you too", I say, forgetting about the "headache"

-"No, the best for you will be to rest. I'll tell you everything when I get home"

Yeah, probably at 11 pm right?

He stands up and grabs his coat and keys. Then he walks to me and kisses me in the head.

-"Bye. I love you", he says before closing the door.

-"Love you too", I say, but to myself because he already closed the door. I never thought before I would ever doubt about it. But now, I'm rethinking those last three words over and over in my head thinking "are those words real?"


Heyy guys
I know I told you like that I'm not posting more until I came back from my trip but I felt inspired so I wrote more today.
I think that this is gonna be the last chapter before I'm gone, but I'll try to update my other story "A change for the Games: an Everlark fanfiction" one more time tomorrow so don't forget to check it out.
Anyways, thanks for 13.6k+ reads!!
Don't forget to comemment and vote and follow me if you want.

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