Chapter 18 - Is not what it looks like!

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*Katniss POV*

-"Katniss, wake up, Im gonna be late", I hear Peeta say as he gently brushes my hair. I give him a kiss. Is still night but he needs to get up early if he want to be in the Capitol at 10

-"Ugh,Okay", I say as I stand up. We walk downstairs and the breakfast is already in the table. I gently kiss Peeta on the lips. His lips taste like cinnamon and vanilla.

He sits on a chair next to the table and I sit on his lap, brushing his hair. I dont want him to leave.

-"When are you coming back?", I ask him.

-"Ill be home tommorrow at night", he says as he eats on the of the pancakes he cooked.

-"Why?", I ask him, "Thats a long time you know". I kiss him

-"They have to see me today and my results will be ready tommorrow morning", he kisses me. "I also dont wanna go but I need to"

After breakfast,  we get dressed, Peeta grabs his things and we walk to the train station, my hand tangled with his. He buys the train ticket and we wait until the train arrives.

-"I wont let you go", I say hugging him by his waist. He cups my face and kisses me. He slowly grabs me by my waist and I lock my arms around his neck. We stay there kissing until they announce they can start abording the train. I hug him tightly.

-"Promise me youll come back", I say to his chest.

-"Ill be back as soon as I can. I promise", he says as he lets me go. Before he enters the train, he looks back and throws me a kiss and I grab it.

Then, before I realize it, he is already gone.

I walk away from the train station. Im okay, he will be gone for only 2 days. But what if the Capitol hurts him? What if I lose him forever? I couldnt live without him, thats for sure.

I go back to the Victors Village. I wanna go to Annie's house but is 2:00㏂ and she is probably asleep. Ill visit her later. The less time Im alone, the more faster the time will go. I open the door and our house smells like cinnamon and vanilla, like Peeta. I just hope he will call me tonight. I go to our room and try to sleep but I cant without Peeta by my side, so I turn the tv on and watch it until noon.

Then I walk to Annie's house. She opens the door inmediately.

-"Hey Katniss, how are you?", she asks.

-"Hey Annie", I say as I hug her, "Well Peeta had a doctor's appointment so he left this morning".

We enter to her house and Finnie is playing with his toys on the floor while he watches tv. We sit on the couch and Annie brings coffee for both of us and milk for Finnie.

-"Im really scared Annie. What if I loose him again?"

-"Dont worry, he will be back plus he will fight if someone tries to touch him again"

-"I hope he will be allright"

We spend  the day talking and playing with Finnie. I head back home at 7:00 ㏘ because Finnie needs to sleep.

I run back home because I want Peeta to call me. I wait and wait but he doesnt call so I decide to take a bath. While I was in the shower, the phone rings so I run out of the shower and answer the phone.

-"Hey", I say as I curl up in a towel and sit on my bed.

-"Katniss", Peeta says. Im so happy to hear him. At least I know the Capitol hasnt touched him.

-"Peeta, are you okay?", I ask, "Im really worry, please be home as soon as you can"

-"Dont worry Katniss, Im okay"

-"How was your doctor's appointment?", I ask

-"He says that he has this vaccines that will be shutting down my hijack faster but this will take a few days so I dont know when Ill be home okay?"

-"But were are you staying now?", I ask. "A few days? What are they going to do with him?", I think

-"Im staying in an hotel here okay?",he says, he sounds scared.

-"Peeta seriously, are you okay?", I ask again

-"Yeah, Im fine. Dont worry, Ill call you everynight."

-"Are you sure this vaccines are safe?"

-"Trust me, everything will be fine okay? Now go to sleep. love you"

-"Love you too. Take care and dont forget to call me"

-"Ill call you everynight...", and then the line goes dead. Now Im  even worrier that I was 10 minutes ago


A week has passed and Peeta hasn't come back. He calls me everynight but I feel something is wrong. I dont wanna ask, I know he wont tell me. I just hope he is okay.

One night, I was watching tv when someone knocks the door. I run downstairs, hoping it's Peeta, eventhough he has the keys.

But when I open the door I see the most unexpected person. Someone I never thought I'll see again.

-"Hey Catnip", he says as he hugs me.

-"Gale", I say still in shock, "What are you doing here?"

-"I feel horrible and I need to talk to you", I let him pass. As we walk toward the couch, I see that he is taking a quick view of everything.

-"Are you with Peeta now?",he asks sadly as he looks at a picture of Peeta and me.

-"Yes and we live together now", I say as we sit on the couch.

-"And were is he?", he asks, looking at the floor.

-"He had a doctor's appointment", I reply.

-"Katniss Im so sorry I shouldn't have leave you. I was just scared you will never forgive me. I still am, that's why I came here"

-"Gale, I appreciate the fact that you came here and all but I dont know If I can forgive you"

-"I regret so much the moment I built that stupid bomb", he yells as he sobs.

I've seen Gale cry only once, twice if I count now. I guess he is sorry. He really is. I dont know what to do. Should I hug him? Should I forgive him? I decide to hug him. He rest his head on my shoulders. Once he is already calm, he sits by my side.

-"Would you give me a second chance?"", he asks.

I really miss Prim and I know it wasnt his plan. I cant be mad at him forever. After all, he fed Prim and my mom while I was at the games with Peeta.

-"Sure", I say and I hug him.

Slowly he leans closer and kisses me. And without thinking, I kiss back.Suddenly I hear some keys fall on the floor. Peeta's home.



Peeta is back! How is he going to react? How is Katniss going to react?

I dont know if I will post tommorrow because I havent write the next chapter yet.

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