Chapter 37 - Together forever

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*Katniss PoV*

My gorgeous white wedding dress designed by Cinna fits perfectly around my body as if it was magic. My long, thick, brown hair usually in a complete mess has now two silver headbands and a beautiful french braid is tied up in form of a bun, made by Annie while Johanna painted my nails pastel pink. Effie did my makeup, applying a little coat of foundation, some nude eye shadow with brown eyeliner that makes my eyes pop and some mascara. She also added some light pink lipstick. When I look at my reflection in the mirror, I see someone is not me. Maybe because is a way happier version than me. Maybe this is how I'll be looking in my reflection from now on. Maybe getting married will mean a new me.

-"Its almost time. Let's get on the cart", Effie says checking the hour on the clock on the wall of Annie's house. The three girls are wearing beige long dresses and Finnie a small tux in which he looks adorable.

Outside the house, a cart pulled by white horses waits for us. The driver is standing beside the cart's door, waiting to open it for us.

-"You are looking gorgeous Miss Everdeen", says the man, dressed in a white tux, as he opens the door for us.

-"Thanks", I say and smile as I get inside and the girls follow me.

The cart ride was short, but for me it lasted an eternity, because I was so excited to get there and marry the man I love.

The driver again opens the door for us, leaving us on the exact beginning of the rug that leads to the aisle.. Annie gets out of the car first with Finnie, and walks down the aisle with his baby hand in hand, Finnie's small chubby legs making them walk slow. Everyone in the audience awes at their view. Then Johanna and Effie get out and I wait until they are all settled in the aisle to get out, with the help of the driver. I take a quick look around; there are way more people than the ones we agreed to invite and everyone is looking at me. Haymitch touches my shoulder lightly and I turn around. He looks very diferent, more alive.

-"You look absolutely stunning Katniss. Are you ready to get married?", Haymitch asks me and I nod and put my arm on his.

Slowly but firmly we start walking, everyone staring at us, but my eyes are fixed on Peeta. He looks absurdly handsome with his black suit and tie. With the corner of my eye I catch the sight of my mother, sitting on the first chair on the first row. I gasp and smile as she waves at me happily.

Once Haymitch and I reach the steps of the aisle in the middle of the beautiful meadow my dad used to take me, Haymitch hugs me and when he lets go of me, Peeta grabs my hands and we both look at Haymitch.

-"Take good care of her kid okay?", he says as he pats Peeta's shoulder and I see small tears running down his cheeks.

-"I will", Peeta says looking at me. "Although she can take care of herself just perfectly", he adds and I chuckle lightly.

-"Good luck. I love you guys so much", Haymitch says and walks to Gale's side, where the best man stands. The priest starts talking.

-"We have all gathered here today to celebrate the lives of Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen, who will be uniting their lives because of love..."

-"... So Peeta Mellark, do you take Katniss Everdeen as your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you apart?"

-"I do", Peeta says and puts the ring on my left hand.

-"Now Katniss Everdeen, do you take Peeta Mellark as your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you apart?", the priest says. I look around at everyone around me. My friends that have been with me since the beggining and some that I met in the way, my mother that came to see me after a long time. The strangers that came just because I saved them on the revolution 2 years ago. The fallen, which will be always on my heart. And then I look at Peeta. The love of my life, this is how I want the rest of my life to be from now on, by his side. Become his wife.

-"I do", I say looking straight into Peeta's eyes while his hands are holding mine. I let him go to put his ring on.

-"Peeta, you might now kiss the bride", says the priest and everyone claps while Peeta leans down and kisses me, putting his hand on my lower back for support.

-"Happy birthday baby. Are you liking your day so far?", I whisper.

-"Couldn't have asked for a better celebration"

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Love you guys
Tons of kisses,

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