I Want To Become a Hero

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Izuku was in the middle of panicking and overreacting. "How am I suppose to score enough points now, the exam is about to be over in a few minutes?!" He yells worryingly. Until a one pointer shows up out of nowhere. Izuku stumbles to the ground panicking. "How did I end up in this situation," he thinks in his head. The one pointer raises it's arm about to attack him. That was when Izuku remembered.

"I was going to hand out these papers to everyone and have you all think about for your future careers, but why bother. Everyone in this room wants to be a hero!" The yells and then throws the papers in the air. Everyone cheered and used their quirks, except for Midoriya. "Don't compare me to these extras," Bakugo yells with a smirk on his face. Everyone then tries to yell at Bakugo for being all high and mighty. "Oh yeah, none of you all can stand a chance against me, and I can prove it you losers," he spats back at them. "Looks like you are trying to enroll at UA Bakugo. That is a big goal for you, but with your quirk you will do just fine," the teacher says to him. Bakugo soon stands on his desk and yells all these things he will accomplish as a hero, until it was ruined when the teacher said, "Oh Midoriya, it looks like you are trying to enroll in UA to." 

A couple of minutes after the class ended.

Midoriya packs up his stuff, but then Bakugo walks up and takes his thirteenth notebook on how to become a hero. Midoriya tries to tell him to give it back, but Bakugo blows it up and tosses it out the window. Two people laughed behind Bakugo. Then Bakugo tells Midoriya, "If you want a quirk so much, there is a way to get one. That is to take a swan dive off the roof, maybe you will be lucky to get one in the afterlife." He then walks away with the two people behind him.

Izuku grabs what is left of his book. Being grateful it was still in one piece.

While walking to his home from school trying to rethink his life decisions, a villain made out of sludge came from a sewage pipe and attacked the kid. "Thank you so much kid. You are a real hero for letting me use your body and escape," the villain said mockingly. Before the villain could succeed, the sewage pipe cover came off and went flying. Then a heroic figure came out of the pipe and said, "Texas Smash!!!" Izuku wakes up seeing the hero he wanted to meet all of his life. "Are you okay citizen?!" All Might yelled, even though that was his normal volume when talking. "All Might?!" Izuku yells excitedly. "Yes, for I am here!!" All Might says. "Oh, I need an autograph from you! Where is my notebook?" He says while he looks for his notebook. He finds his notebook and finds out that it was already signed. "Well, see you later citizen. I got to take this villain to custody!" Then All Might jumped to the sky. "Wait, I got questions to ask you!" All Might looks back and sees the boy holding on to his legs. "Hey get off!" He yells at the boy. "If I let go, I will fall," Izuku replies back. Suddenly, All Might realizes they were in the sky. "Oh, that's right." 

Somewhere on top of a building...

When Izuku tries to ask All Might a question, he soon looks up and sees the hero turn into a weak man with a long neck. "Whhhaaaaattttt?!?!" He yells with panic. All Might then explains how he ended up like this. He also shows an ugly looking scar that made him what looks like now. Then Midoriya had the courage and said to his hero, "Can I become a hero, even though I don't have a quirk?"

Then, Izuku was shocked when All Might told him, "No, you can't become a hero without a quirk young man." 

Soon, All Might told Izuku he could become an officer while he was walking to the exit.

All Might soon realized that the bottle where he put the villain in was gone.

Some time before Izuku and All Might were on the building, the bottle fell out of All Might's pocket.

"Man Bakugo, I think you were a little too rough on the kid this time," the person said following Bakugo. "He had it coming to him," Bakugo said to the person, until he kick a bottle filled with green ooze. "Hey, what did I tell you all about smoking that stuff?!" Bakugo yelled and waited for them to answer until he turned around seeing a villain made out of sludge behind him.

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