The End of the Exam

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Izuku grabbed Mina's hand and told her how thankful he was when she saved him from the faux villain.

"No problem. I am just glad that you are okay," Mina said with a smile on her face. "So, how many points do you have?"

Izuku was scared to tell her because he thought she would laugh at him, but he couldn't lie to the girl that just saved him from the robot.

"I have zero points," he said in defeat. "How many do you have?"

She was surprised to learn that he had zero points. "I have over 30 points, but I don't really know," she said while feeling bad for him. "How about we work as a team and score points together?"

Izuku was shocked to hear that this girl was willing to help him score some points. "Thank you so much. I appreciate all the help I can get," he said bowing to her.

"No need to do that. Also, my name is Ashido, Mina Ashido," Mina said to him. "What is your name?"

"My name is Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya. It is a pleasure to meet you Ashido," Izuku said with a small smile on his face.

They both left the area, but what they didn't know that there was a camera watching them and the other examinees.

"We have some promising results this year. It is better than last year's scores," the mysterious figure said.

The man in the corner of the room didn't look satisfied, but all he wanted to do was to sleep. What was keeping him from sleeping was because they didn't release the zero pointer yet. "Can we just release it already? I am getting tired of watching these kids destroying these easy faux villains," he said irritatedly.

Then the smallest man in the room said, "It is time. Release the zero pointer."

With the push of a button, all chaos was going to be unleashed.

At the fake city, the ground shook and everyone stopped fighting to see what was causing the ground to shake.

While Izuku and Mina were together, Mina almost fell. Izuku was able to catch her. She was about to say thanks, until they both looked up in shock and fear to see a gigantic robot, bigger than any of the buildings, was coming to there direction.

"That is a little too much, don't you think?" Izuku said to Mina as the robot was coming closer.

The robot struck any building that was in its way, causing pieces of the buildings almost falling on them.

Everyone began to run away from the robot titan. Soon, the boy in glasses past them and turned to see why they were standing there and run away.

Soon, both Izuku and Mina saw a brown hair girl stuck under the pieces of the destroyed building.

For no reason, Izuku ran to go save the girl, but the column was too heavy to lift.

"I got her Midoriya, run away from here!" Mina yelled to Izuku.

Izuku realized that Mina's quirk was acid, as he could see her melting the block of stone.

He soon realized that she wouldn't get the girl out in time before the zero pointer got to them.

Izuku realized that he had no other choice, but to use his quirk.

" I want you to know that if you use One For All, the body part you used One For All on will break your bones into pieces." All Might warned Izuku.

"What?! Why are you telling me this now?!" Izuku said out loud while being horrified about what the quirk will do to him.

"That is why I need to teach you how to control One For All. We don't want you to use the power and break your bones every time you use it. Once you come back from the exam, tell me how you did." All Might said giving him a thumbs up and a pat on the back. "You got this kid!"

"I have to use it. I am sorry All Might, but I have to save them!" Izuku yelled in his mind.

He used his quirk and jumped high in the air. He didn't realize that he broke both of his legs because his attention was on the giant robot in front of him.

He used the full power of his quirk. He felt the energy run through his arm. The energy ripped the sleeve of his shirt exposing his arm.

Everyone's attention was on him, they were wondering what he was doing.

As soon as Mina freed the girl, she looked up and saw Midoriya in the air. She was amazed of what Midoriya was doing.

Midoriya yelled the one word that everyone would hear from him. He yelled, "SMASH!!!!"

With all his might, he punched the zero pointer in the face. It put a huge dent in the robot and the blow to the face caused a series of explosions spread throughout the robot.

In the camera room, everyone cheered that the zero pointer was destroyed, while All Might smiled. Knowing that he chose the right kid to inherent One For All.

Everyone was amazed to see what the boy did. He defeated the giant robot with one punch.

Midoriya was now falling. He didn't know what to do because his right arm and both of his legs were destroyed.

"Set me on the column over there!" The brown hair girl yelled to Mina.

Izuku was about to accept his fate. In his mind, he thought, "At least I saved Ashido and that girl from the robot."

As soon as he was about to hit the ground, he was slapped in the face midair, by the brown hair that was on the floating column.

The girl wasn't able to hold it very long and soon past out from nausea.

Mina was able to catch Midoriya, who was falling a few feet from the ground.

Mina was grateful to the girl who just saved Midoriya.

Mina looked at Midoriya's arm and legs. She sighed and said, "Thank you for risking your life to save us. You are a true hero Midoriya."

After that, everyone gathered around to see the kid and wondered why he just did that, even though he was not going to get any points for doing that.

A few seconds later, an alarm went off. Then Present said over the speaker, "Times up the exam is now over!"

Mina cried a little knowing one thing that she and Izuku knew that everyone else didn't know.

At the end, Izuku didn't score any points on the exam.

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