Sharing a Kiss at the Park

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Izuku was able to make it back home before his mother almost finished making dinner. He opened the front door, but he found his Mom standing in front of the doorway.

"Where have you been Izuku?" Inko said with a stern look on her face.

Inko had on a white shirt with short blue pants that went down to her knees. She also had on an apron she uses for cooking and fluffy pink slippers she walks around the house in. Even though she was shorter than Izuku, she can still be intimidating to Izuku when she gets mad.

"Sorry Mom, I was at the mall," Izuku said with a sad look on his face.

"You made me worry. Please let me know next time," Inko said.

"I will Mom," Izuku said.

Inko looked at the bag Izuku was holding. "What did you get at the mall?"

"It is not for me. I got it for my friend. Do you think she will like it?" Izuku said while showing Inko the necklace he got for Mina.

"It is beautiful Izuku," Inko said. "Is she cute?" Inko said teasingly.

"Moooom," Izuku groaned, which made Inko giggle.

"I am just teasing you," Inko said.

Soon, Izuku got a text from Mina.

Izuku took out his phone and read the text message.

"Meet me at the park in a hour. Don't forget to bring the gift." 

"She wants to meet me at the park in a hour," Izuku told his Mom.

"You can go, but you have to tell me everything about this girl," Inko said.

"I will Mom," Izuku said while texting Mina that he will be there.

Izuku and his mother ate dinner and cleaned the kitchen. Izuku looked at the time on the clock.

"Thirty minutes until we meet, but the park is 15 minutes from here," Izuku said to himself. "I got to go Mom," Izuku said.

"Okay, and be careful," Inko said.

"I will Mom, and don't worry. I will be safe," Izuku said.

Izuku grabbed the bag and left the apartment building.

Izuku arrived at the park a little early.

"It is better to be early than to be late," he said to himself.

Izuku was able to find a bench that was under a tree and sat down on it.

A few minutes later, Mina saw Izuku on the bench and went up to him.

"Hey Midori," Mina said with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey Ashido," Izuku said with a smile on his face.

Izuku scooched over so Mina would sit on the bench next to him.

"What a gentleman," Ashido said while giggling.

"You know, I used to climb this tree when I was a little girl. My Dad would always tell me to get done because it was dangerous, but he would climb it to get me down," Mina said. "This is my favorite spot in the park."

"This was my favorite spot to," Midoriya said. "I would play hide and seek with my friends. I would hid up in this tree until my friends found me," Izuku said while smiling and looking at the tree.

Mina stared at Izuku and smiled while having her eyes closed.

"She is always pretty when she smiles," Izuku thought.

  Izuku blushed a little. "Do you want to go first?" Izuku said.

"No, because I want you to open your gift first," Mina said while handing Izuku his gift. "You are going to love it!"

Izuku eagerly took the gift and began to carefully take the wrapping paper off. His eyes lit up has he saw his gift. It was an All Might action figure that was still in the box. What was different from the rest of the action Figures was that it was signed by All Might himself.

"No way! Thanks Ashido. This is a great gift," Izuku said with a big smile on his face. "How were you able to get All Might to sign it?"

"I asked him to stay at U.A. for a little bit while I was getting it. Once I got to U.A., I asked him to sign it. He wasn't bothered by it," Mina said to answer Izuku's question.

Izuku blushed for what Mina did for him to have this gift.

"How did you know that I wanted this gift?" Izuku said curiously.

"I saw your phone screen. It was not hard to guess that All Might is your favorite hero," Mina said.

"Right, I almost forgot that you were able to get into my phone and put your number in my contacts list," Izuku said a little embarrassed.

Izuku gave Mina her gift. "I hope you will like it. It took a little bit to find you a gift," Izuku said.

Mina took the item out of the small bag. She opened the little box and saw the necklace. Her eyes went big when she saw her gift.

"Do you like i-," was all Izuku managed to say when Mina hugged him. 

"It is beautiful Midori," Mina said. "It also looks exactly like my hero costume," she squealed.

"Your welcome Ashido. Do you want me to help you put it on?" Izuku said while hugging Mina.

"Yes please," Mina said.

Izuku grabbed the box and took the necklace out. He undid the chain and put it around her neck. Mina lifted her hair up a little, so that Midoriya could attach both ends of the chains.

"How do I look?" Mina said.

"You look amazing Ashido," Izuku said to her while blushing.

Mina blushed as well when Izuku told her that she was amazing.

The wind blew a little, causing their hair to move with the wind. 

"I have to tell her. This is the perfect moment to tell Mina that I like her," Izuku thought to himself.

He was about to speak when Mina placed her hand on top of his hand. They stared at each other for a few seconds.

"I like you Midori," Mina said while blushing.

Izuku turned red. "I like you to Ashido," he said, which caused Mina to blush as well.

Before they knew what they were doing, they leaned in slowly. Their faces were getting closer. They closed their eyes and kissed each other. 

Mina had hands wrapped around the back of Izuku's neck, while Izuku had his hands wrapped around Mina's back.

After they kissed for a few seconds, they separated to look at each other.

"That was my first kiss, by the way," Mina said.

"Me to," Izuku said. "Does this mean that we are a couple now Ashi?" Izuku said to Mina.

"I like the nickname you gave me, and yes. We are now a couple," Mina said and kissed Midoriya again.

Their faces separated again. Mina was now resting on Izuku's shoulder carefully, so that her horns don't hit his face. They were holding each other's hand while they were on the bench watching the sunset together.

They both have a new favorite spot in the park, but they didn't want to leave it.

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