The End of the Attack

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"Put your hands in the air, or the boy gets it!" a villain yelled as he grabbed Denki.

"Kaminari!" Momo yelled.

"This is great. He took Kaminari while we dropped our guard," Jirou said.

"I don't want to kill a fellow electric user, but I will if anyone tries something funny," the villain said as he used his quirk close to Denki.

"That has to be the person who is jamming the alarms and communications," Momo said.

"You know, electric quirk users are useful," Jirou said.

"What are you saying Jirou?" Momo said. She then realized that Jirou was using her earphone jack to plug it in the stereo on one of her legs.

"When you think about it, there are so many ways that your quirk can be useful. Why would you be a villain, if you can have a job that could pay a lot for someone like you," Jirou said as she was about to plug in the earphone jack.

"You think I would fall for that trick?!" the villain yelled as he began to use his quirk.

"Looks like that plan backfired," Jirou said.

"Nice try though," Momo said.

"Enough! If you want this kid to live, then you better do what I say!" the villain yelled.

"How did this happen? They told me that All Might weak. So how did he defeat Nomu?!" Shigaraki yelled.

"Where was all that courage you had villain?! Are you all bark but no bite?!" All Might said.

He made the most serious face he gave to anyone. Shigaraki started to shudder from it.

"No one knows that All Might is bluffing. Even though it is hidden, the steam is coming out of him. That would mean that his time is up," Izuku thought.

"Come on. Take the bait!" All Might thought.

"Nomu couldn't stop him! If he was still here, he would have finished All Might!" Shigaraki said while he was panicking.

"Shigaraki, calm down. Look closer, Nomu has weakened All Might. We still have a chance to kill All Might!" Kurogiri said to Shigaraki.

"You are right. Nomu did its job. Now we have to finish our job," Shigaraki said.

Kurogiri and Shigaraki ran towards All Might.

"We have to go Midoriya, All Might can handle them," Todoroki said.

There was no response from Midoriya.

"Midoriya?!"Kirishima yelled when he looked behind him.

Izuku used One For All on his legs. Both of his legs broke and he was already next to the enemy.

"I am not going to let you touch All Might!" yelled Izuku.

Izuku aimed for the mist villain.

"This kid is getting in the way," Shigaraki thought.

He plunged his hand in Kurogiri. Shigaraki's hand teleported next to Izuku's face.

"You will not escape this time brat!" Shigaraki yelled.


Out of nowhere, a bullet hit Shigaraki's hand.

"Aaagh!" Shigaraki yelled. "Who shot me?!"

"That was a close one," a man said.

"That was a nice shot Snipe," the woman said.

"Here is a better one for ya to see," Snipe said as he pointed his gun at a direction, without looking where he was aiming.

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