Training With a Teacher's Teacher

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"All Might is not so great of a teacher," Torino said. "This is why I drafted you, now show me what you can do you newbie!"

Izuku got into his costume.

"Are you sure we should be inside?" Izuku asked.

Gran Torino didn't answer Izuku's question and bounced off the walls. He went behind Izuku and kicked him in the back.

"He is fast," Izuku thought.

"I thought you wanted to demonstration, not fighting?!"

Gran Torino continued to bounce around, until he got on top of the microwave and broke it.

"I thought All Might would choose the right person who is deem worth of such power, but all I see is a little wet blanket," Torino said. "I guess All Might wasn't smart with choosing either."

Torino used is quirk and punched Izuku in the back. He bounced off of Izuku and went everywhere in the room.

"I can't let him get in my head," Izuku thought. Izuku stood his ground and stayed calm. "He went for my back twice, so he would most likely do it again."

Torino was heading straight at Izuku's back. At the last second, Izuku ducked and spun around to try to hit Torino.

"So you predicted where I will hit," Torino said.

He grabbed Izuku's arm and slammed his head on the tile floor.

"I thought I would get you," Izuku said.

"It is because I watched you during the cavalry battle and the tournament," Torino said. "I thought you realize about that."

They both got up and Torino grabbed his cane off the floor.

"While we were battling, I noticed that you were thinking about something else. The responsibility All Might gave you. I am not going to train you the way All Might did. ," Torino said to Izuku as he almost walked out the front door. "Also, one more thing I should tell you...."

Izuku looked at Torino waiting for him to speak.

"....Don't think of One For All as a unique quirk," Torino finished.

"Then what should I do?" Izuku asked curiously.

"In order for me to train you right, you have to figure it out and prove it to me that you have what it takes kid," Torino said as walked outside.

Izuku took a few seconds to process what Gran Torino told him.

"Figure it out on my own?" Izuku said to himself.

"Clean the mess you made in my house, while you are at it!" Torino yelled outside.

Izuku looked at the room and noticed the mess they have made.

"So you are the one that attacked U.A...." Stain said to Shigaraki. "....And you want me to join you."

Shigaraki sat at the bar, looking at Stain.

"That is exactly it," Shigaraki said. "You would be perfect to help us succeed what we are after."

Stain squinted as he heard what the boy said.

"And what is goal you are trying to achieve?" Stain disappointedly asked.

"I want to kill All Might, but right now, I want to destroy the things I hate," Shigaraki said. 

He held a photo of Midoriya with two fingers. "Starting with this little brat."

"To think you would waste my time and try to recruit me just to kill a kid you hate," Stain said as he drew out his machetes. "You are what I hate the most."

Shigaraki was surprised what the Hero Killer said to him.

"Sir, want me to stop him?" Kurogiri asked as he was about to open a warp gate.

"No, let him learn!" the television yelled. "He must settle this on his own for him to actually mature. That is what education supposed to be after all."

Izuku was looking at the busted up microwave and thought to himself.

"What was Torino trying to tell me when he said that I was thinking that One For All is unique?" Izuku said to himself. He thought of how All Might battled Nomu and how Bakugo fought him.

"Of course, I have been using One For All in just my arm, when I should have been using it evenly."

Gran Torino was standing behind the door listening to Izuku.

"Maybe you did choose the right one All Might," Torino thought to himself while smiling.

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