Let the Sports Festival Begin

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"No way!" Uraraka yelled.

"Yeah, it was amazing. I just wish Midori would have stayed a little longer, but he had to go," Mina said.

The girls were talking about how Mina's date with Midoriya went.

"I got to say, Midori's mother can take really good pictures," Mina said.

"I am speaking for all the girls. Can we see the pictures?" Momo asked.

"Sure, because it so happens that I have the photos with me," Mina said grinning as she took the photos out of her school bag.

Mina set the pictures on the table for all the girls to see.

"You two look so happy," Jirou said while smiling a little.

"Thanks Jirou," Mina said.

"That dress looks amazing on you Ashido. Would you to go shopping with me to pick out clothes?" Momo asked.

"I would love to!" Mina said excitingly.

"So you got to meet her family. What were they like?" Kirishima asked.

"Well, they were like any other family," Izuku said not knowing how to describe Mina's family.

Mineta smirked at Midoriya.

"Did Ashido show you her pan-," Mineta was about to finish what he was saying until Sero used his tape and covered Mineta's mouth.

"Why did we invite him to the conversation in the first place?" Sero said.

"Will you all just shut up about Deku and Racoon Eyes for the rest of the day?!" Bakugo yelled at everyone.

"We will until you are nice to Midori and I!" Mina yelled back.

"That will never happen you pink bi-," Bakugo yelled, but he never finished what he was going to say.

"Seriously, we can never have a nice conversation with these two around," Sero said as he used his tape on Bakugo.

"Thanks Sero," Mina said.

"Your welcome. Maybe we should talk about something else," Sero said.

"So who will teach us now?" Ida said.

As on cue, the door opened and Aizawa walked in the classroom with bandages that covered his arms and face.

Everyone got to their seats quickly.

"Aizawa, shouldn't you be in the hospital?!" Ida said worryingly.

"I only came because I don't trust All Might to teach this class the right way," Aizawa said.

"At least you are doing well," Ida said.

"I also came here to warn you all about this day," Aizawa said.

Everyone got a little scared.

Mineta ripped the tape off his mouth and yelled, "Please don't tell me we are going to face more villains!"

Few seconds of silence and everyone was on the edge of their seats.

"Today is the Sports Festival and all the students will have an option to participate in it," Aizawa said.

Everyone sighed in relief.

Bakugo ripped the tape from his mouth.

"So we get to fight people!" Bakugo yelled with excitement.

"That is correct," Aizawa said.

Bakugo turned towards Izuku.

"You are dead Deku!" Bakugo yelled.

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