A Gift For Mina

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Izuku fell to the ground from how exhausted and hurt he was. Mina was jumping up and down for winning the fight.

"A little help here," Ida said.

"Oh, sorry Ida. I didn't want to hurt you that badly, so this was the only idea I thought of," Mina said trying to pull Ida up to the floor she was on.

"It is okay Ashido. I am glad we are not seriously injured," Ida said to cheer up Mina. "I got to say that was a great plan you and Midoriya came up with."

"Thanks Ida," Mina said with a smile on her face. She was able to get Ida on the floor she was on. She used her quirk to free Ida's leg from the rope.

"We should check how Midoriya and Bakugo are. I just hope they are not too injured, but since we felt that shake from the building, I don't think they are going to get up on their own," Ida said to Mina.

"Midori!" Mina said as she realized about Izuku being injured.

She ran to the exit and down the flight of stairs. She saw Izuku on the ground covered in blood, marks, and scratches. She kneeled down to Midoriya to make sure that the cuts on his body were not deep. Mina sighed knowing that he was going to be all right. Izuku soon woke up and blinked a few times to clear his vision. He saw Mina hovering over him.

"Thank goodness you are okay Midori," Mina said in relief and joy.

"Did we win the fight?" Midoriya said trying to remember what happened.

"We did it, and your plan worked Midori," Mina said.

"There is one good thing coming out of this," Midoriya said.

"What is that Midori?" Mina said.

"I don't have to go visit Recovery Girl," Midoriya said.

Mina giggled at what he said.

She hugged him, but not wanting to let go. Izuku was able to hug her back this time.

Ida entered the room carrying his helmet. "That was a great fight Midoriya," Ida said to congratulate him.

"Thanks Ida," was all Izuku said when Bakugo woke up.

"Dang it!! I lost to Deku!!" Bakugo roared.

"I think we shouldn't untie him," Mina said to Izuku.

"Hey, I heard that Raccoon Eyes!!" Bakugo put his anger out on Mina.

Mina then stuck her tongue out at Bakugo.

"Oh real mature!!" Bakugo yelled.

All Might came in to get them and took them back to the security room.

"So, can anyone guess who got MVP from that fight?" All Might said

There was a few seconds of silence until the girl with a spiky ponytail raised her hand. Her name was Momo Yaoyorozu. She tall with onyx irises and long black hair. Her hero costume was a red flannel with silver lines at her waist. She has red high heel boots and two golden belts that sat at her waist. From the back, she has a book carrier for a book that has information of all the things she can create to help in battle, or to help people.

"It is Ida, because he formed a counter strategy against his opponent," Momo said.

"That is correct Momo!" All Might yelled.

"Now, on to the next round!" All Might said.

" Hero team B: Shoji and Todoroki vs villain team I: Ojiro and Hagakure. Let the battle begin!" All Might yelled in the mic.

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