A Fight To Remember

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"Your group text to everyone was a good idea, but really need to put in more information in your messages next time," said Todoroki. "Just be glad I knew you were in trouble."

Shoto used his ice to make a barrier and a slope for everyone to slide down to him for safety away from Stain.

Stain stands there menacingly thinking of what to do.

"Todoroki, you can not let him consume any of your blood!" Midoriya yelled!

"Somehow his quirk works when he licks blood and paralyzed us," he said.

Shoto looks at Stain.

"That explains all the blades he is carrying," Shoto said with no expression on his face.

Stain suddenly throws a knife straight at Shoto's face, Shoto dodges the blade, but his left cheek gets cut and was leaking blood.

Stain charges at him and takes out his machete to cut Todoroki, but Shoto ends up creating another ice wall blocking the attack.

Stain looks up, which causes Shoto to look up, seeing a spinning katana in the air.

"He must have thrown it when he threw the knife," Shoto thought.

Stain grabs his shirt and was about to lick the blood on his cheek. Todoroki used his fire quirk to push back Stain.

As Stain was pushed back, he recovered his machete and grabbed his spinning katana in midair without looking.

Todoroki uses his ice quirk, but stain avoids it and cuts it down with ease.

"It is not smart to block your own vision against a faster opponent," Stain said as he readied two pocket knives.

Todoroki tries to use his fire again, but Stain threw the knives into his arm.

Stain was in the air, above Shoto, with his katana pointing down.

All of the sudden, Izuku grabbed Stain's collar and dragged him across the wall of a building.

"I can move again Todoroki!" Izuku shouted.

Stain soon elbowed Izuku's stomach hard, causing him to let go of Stain. Izuku got up holding his stomach.

"I got three theories of his quirk," said Shoto as he grabbed the knives out of his arm without wincing and threw them away from anyone.

"His quirk is weaker the more people his quirk is being used on, the amount of blood he ingests, or our blood type," he said.

Stain smirked.

"That right kid," Stain said.

"We have get these two out of here, but he is too quick for my quirk," Shoto said as his arm was gushing out blood.

"We can't run Todoroki," Izuku said. "You will leave a blood trail, and carrying three people will be an issue for me. So I will have to take him head on while you give me support in the rear," he said.

Stain dashed straight towards them and Izuku used his quirk to get Stain as far as he can away from Todoroki.

Stain was faster than before. He takes out his katana and cut Izuku's leg. He licked the blade and paralyzed Izuku once again to take out his last opponent.

"Stop fighting, I have to be the one... to avenge my brother," Ida struggled to say.

"Then stand up Ida!" Todoroki yelled as stain was getting closer to him. "Never forget the person you want to become!"

Shoto used his fire quirk at Stain and misses. Stain swings his katana at Shoto.

Suddenly, Stain was pushed back with a broken katana in his hand. The blade spun in the air and struck the ground where Ida used to be. Shoto was relieved seeing his class president standing in front of him.

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