The Attack at USJ Part Three

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"Shoji, have you located everyone?!" Ida yelled at Shoji.

"I did, but they are all scattered across the whole place," Shoji said trying to concentrate.

"Ida! I have a task for you to do!" Thirteen yelled to get Ida's attention.

"What is it that you want me to do?" Ida asked curiously.

" Your task is to run to the school and get the teachers to help us," Thirteen said. "Whoever is jamming the alarms must be hiding somewhere around here. I can only assume because Aizawa is down there fighting the villains. If he were to use his quirk on the person, the alarms would go off."

"I can't just leave you all here!" Ida yelled.

"You have to Ida. You are the fastest in our class. These villains are only causing trouble here, so that means that everyone else is safe at U.A.," Sato said to Ida.

"Sato is right. When you go through those doors, the villains will not go after you," a kid with tape dispensers on his elbows said.

"Ida, I am only telling you to use your quirk to save us," Thirteen said.

"Don't worry Ida. We will help you get to those doors. You can count on us," Uraraka said.

"It is not wise to discuss a plan in front of your opponent!" the mist villain yelled.

"It doesn't matter if you heard us or not. We will stop you villain!" Thirteen yelled as he used his quirk on the villain. "Blackhole!!"

"Why do you want to fight?! These villains could be strong enough to beat All Might!! Have you even consider that?!" Mineta yelled at Izuku. "All we have to do is hide until the U.A. teachers come!!"

"Mineta, stop crying and yelling. Midori is trying to think of something to get us out of this situation," Mina said to calm down Mineta.

Everyone then looked at Izuku to see what he was thinking of. 

Izuku got a little nervous, but then he released about one thing.

"I figured it out!" Izuku yelled.

"What is it?" Tsuyu said.

"As you can see, all the villain surrounding us have some kind quirks that are useful in water. So that means their leader only knows about what the locations are at USJ," Izuku said.

"That makes sense," Mina said.

"The only thing is that Asu-... I mean Tsuyu got warped here at the flood zone," Izuku said. "That means that the villains do not know about our quirks."

"If they knew about my quirk, then I would have been teleported to the fire zone," Tsuyu said pointing to a city that was on fire.

"Their strategy was to scatter us without knowing our quirks," Mina said.

"Exactly, so we can use that to our advantage," Izuku said to Mina.

"If we are going to get to know each other more, lets talk about our quirks," Tsuyu said. "I can jump high like a frog. I can stick to walls and climb on them. I have tongue that stretch to 20 meters. I can also use my stomach fluids to clean my tongue. The last thing I can do is secrete a poisonous fluid that only stings a bit."

"Secrete," Mineta said.

Everyone just ignored Mineta being weird and talked about their quirks.

"I have strength enhancement, but when I use my quirk, it mess up my body. I will only use it as a last resort," Izuku said.

"I have seen it happen. For me, I can shoot acid out of my body. I can also control it's stickiness and acidity," Mina said.

"That is a great quirk," Izuku said.

"Thanks Midori," Mina said smiling.

"The balls on head can stick to anything, but they do not stick to me. I will just bounce off of them. Whenever I pull one off my head, a new one will grow back instantly. When I pull too many off, my head will start to bleed," Mineta said.

Everyone sat and looked at Mineta silently for a few seconds.

"Stop looking at me like that! This is why I said that we should wait until help arrives!" Mineta yelled and cried.

"Mineta, it is a good quirk! We will figure out something on how to use it!" Izuku yelled to calm Mineta.

Suddenly, the boat split into two and was beginning to sink.

"I am tired of waiting. Once that boat sinks, we will attack those kids!" a villain yelled.

Mina accidently slipped and almost slide down into the water.

"Ashi!!" Izuku yelled

Mina used her quirk in time to create a handhold on the floorboard before she went in the water.

"I am fine Midori!" Mina yelled.

Mina tried her best to climb back to the group. "Man, I need to work on climbing with my quirk," Mina said.

"What are we going to do?" Tsuyu said.

Mineta soon threw a bunch of balls into the water, while screaming like a little kid.

"Why did you do that?! Now the enemy knows about your quirk!" Izuku yelled.

"What is that stuff? Get it away from me," the villain that looks like a shark said.

"I guess they still do not know about Mineta's quirk still," Izuku thought.

"Those kids are dead when the boat sinks," the villain said.

"We are dead!!" Mineta yelled.

"Mineta, did you wanted to become a hero?" Tsuyu said.

"Just shut up!" Mineta yelled back. "We were just middle school kids a few days ago! I don't want to die! I never got a chance to touch Yaoyorozu's boobs!!"

"Why are you thinking about that at a time like this?!" Mina yelled at Mineta.

"The enemy thought they won. This is our chance to strike!" Izuku thought.

Without warning anyone, Izuku ran and jumped off the boat.

"Midori!" Mina yelled.

"This kid is either brave, or stupid," one of the villains said.

"Think about the egg in the microwave!" Izuku thought as he was aiming at the water.

Tsuyu grabbed Mineta and wrapped Mina's waist with her tongue.

"Get ready," Tsuyu tried to say.

Izuku uses One For All in his middle finger and thumb.

"Delware Smash!!!" Izuku yelled those two words as loud as he could.

The shot from his fingers caused a whirlpool that was pulling all the villains into it.

"What the heck was that?!" one of the villains yelled.

"Get us out of here Tsuyu!" Mina yelled.

Tsuyu jumped off the ship to get away from the whirlpool. Mina grabbed Izuku before he landed in the water. "I got you Midori!" Mina yelled.

"Thank you everyone," Izuku said.

"Aaaahhh!!" Mineta yelled as he threw as many balls as he can at the enemies that were getting sucked into the whirlpool.

"I can't get these things off of me!" a villain said.

All the balls that Mineta threw got attached to the villains. One by one, the villains got stuck to each other and were sucked down in the center of the whirlpool. A few seconds later, the water shot up the villains into the air and back down on the water. The villains were now barely struggling because the impact from landing on the water almost knocked out the villains.

"Good job everyone. Now we can get out of the flood zone," Tsuyu said to everyone.

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