Our First Date

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

The alarm clock went off in Izuku's room. Izuku woke up and turned off the alarm clock.

Izuku begins his morning by making breakfast for himself. Then he brushes his teeth and puts on some training clothes. He would jog around the city in the morning because the streets were less crowded. After that, he takes a shower and dries himself off. He would then make breakfast for his Mom, until she gets up.

The door to Inko's room opened and Inko was barely awake.

"Morning Mom," Izuku said as he poured her a cup of coffee.

"Morning Izuku," Inko said as she yawned.

Izuku gave his mother the cup of coffee.

"Thanks," Inko said.

"No problem Mom. Hey Mom, is it okay if I can go on a date with my girlfriend?" Izuku said.

"Izuku, you don't have ask me that. You can hang out with her," Inko said.

"Thanks Mom. It is crazy how you did not-," Izuku was about finish until his mother started crying.

"My baby boy is growing up!" Inko cried.

"Cry," Izuku said as he finished his sentence.

Izuku hugged his mother to calm her down.


Izuku received a message from Mina.

"Hey Midori, can I come over to your place in two hours? I am still getting ready for our date," Mina texted.

"Sure," Izuku texted back.

"Okay, see you later," Mina texted.

"Hey, um Mom?" Izuku said.

"Yeah?" Inko said as she stopped crying.

"She is coming over in two hours," Izuku said.

A few seconds later Inko started to panic because she just got up.

"I need to hurry and get ready to meet this girl you have been talking about Izuku!" Inko yelled.

She began to eat her breakfast and get in the shower.

"Well, I will clean the dishes then," Izuku said to himself.

It took Inko almost an hour to get ready to meet Mina.

"I am ready to meet this girl. Izuku what are you going to wear?" Inko said.

"That is the problem. It is hard to choose what to wear. I want to look nice for the date, but I don't want to look too nice," Izuku said.

"Let me help with that," Inko said.

She looked through Izuku's closet and knew exactly what he should wear. She ironed his clothes.

"Here, try this on," Inko said.

Izuku went into his room to change. When he came out, looked at the mirror on the wall.

Izuku was wearing a plaid white button up shirt with a collar. The squares were white and the lines that ran across his shirt were green. He wore a green shirt, on top of the plaid shirt, with two white lines that goes around the arm of the sleeves. He also had on jeans with his red shoes.

"You look great Izuku," Inko said.

"I hope Ashi does to," Izuku said.

There was a knock on the door.

"She is here early," Izuku said.

Izuku ran up to the door.

"Do I look okay?" Izuku asked his Mom.

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