First Day at U.A.

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"Oh come on Izuku, just one more picture," Inko was excited for Izuku and was taking pictures because it was his first day to enroll at U.A.

"Mom, you already took so many pictures," Izuku said a little embrassed.

"Well, I wouldn't take so many pictures if you would just smile and not look jittery on the pictures" Inko spat back.

"Okay Mom," Izuku said and then gave her his best smile he would show.

Inko took the picture. "Perfect."

Izuku was now checking his bookbag to make sure he had everything he needed for school.

"I hope you didn't pack too many action figures," Inko said looking a little concern.

"Mon, you know I wouldn't try to make a fool out of myself on the first day," Izuku said with defeat on his face when she said that. "I have to go Mom." Izuku was about to head out before his Mom stopped him.

"Izuku," she said.

Izuku was a little annoyed and said, "What Mom?"

"I love you sweetie," Inko said.

This put a smile on Izuku's face. "I love you to Mom."

After saying goodbye to her, he left in a hurry.

When he was going to the train station, everyone was giving him looks. When he got on the train, people were looking at him.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" Izuku thought until a man got his attention.

So, you are going to U.A.?" The man said to Midoriya.

"Yes sir," Izuku said being a little nervous.

The man wore a business suit. He had long horns on his head that curved like ram horns. The man about two times the size as Midoriya. He was muscular throughout his body. He had golden irises and short black hair.

"It is great to see a kid going to U.A.," the man said with a smile on his face. "So, what is your name young man?"

Midoriya bowed to the man and said, "I am Midoriya sir."

The man laughed out loud. "Man, you have great manners Midoriya." He then stood up and held out his hand. "Nice to meet you Midoriya, and please call me Mr. Leo."

Izuku shook the man's hand and said, "It is nice to meet you to Mr. Leo."

The train came to a complete stop. The speaker said, "Now arrived at U.A.!"

"I guess that is your stop Midoriya. Hope you have a great day," Mr. Leo said.

"Thank you, you also have a great day Mr. Leo," Izuku said while getting off the train and head over to U.A.

"What an interesting kid," Mr. Leo said.

Izuku was looking for his class. He ran until he saw his class. It was class 1-A. What made him nervous to open the door was the door. It was more than 20 feet high. Izuku was thinking what kind of classmates he would have. All he hoped was that the boy in glasses and Kacchan were not in there. When opened the door heard two people arguing.

"Get your feet off the desk!" The boy in glasses was arguing with Bakugo.

"Don't tell me what to do, or I blow you up into pieces!" Bakugo spat make, but was amused how little it takes to het on the boy's nerves.

"How dare you threaten me like that!" The boy said.

"I can threaten you whenever I want!" Bakugo said to make the boy leave.

"Let's start over again. My name is Tenya Ida."

"So, who cares. Just leave me alone you extra." Bakugo not interested anymore and looked the other way.

Ida gave up and looked at Midoriya.

"Oh crap, he saw me," Midoriya said.

"My name is Tenya Ida!" Ida said out loud while marching up to Midoriya.

"I already heard you. My name is Izuku Midoriya. It is nice to meet you Ida," Midoriya said being nervous.

Bakugo saw him and glared at him.

"Midoriya, you somehow knew that there was something in the practical exam that no one else knew. I have to say, you were the better candidate," Ida said in defeat.

"But, I didn't know either," was all that Izuku said.

Soon, Mina came in and scared Izuku by jumping on his back. Making him to give her a piggyback ride. "Hey, remember me!"

Then Ida yelled at her, "What are you doing to Midoriya?!"

"Midori is my friend. He is a great guy to hang out with," Mina said and then sticked out her tongue.

"Wait, Midori?" Izuku said looking at Mina on his back.

"Yeah, that is your new nickname because Midoriya is too long to say," Mina said being a little nervous, but she was still smiling. "I was just so excited to see that you and I are in the same class!"

"If you are just here to make friends, then you should just leave," a man in the sleeping bag said while laying on the floor.

Everyone looked at the man in silence, until Mina screamed, "Ahhh, it is a human-sized caterpillar with a man's face!" Mina was so scared that she wrapped her arms and legs around Midoriya and almost choked him. She didn't want to let go.

"I am not a caterpillar," was all he said has he as he was crawling like a caterpillar from the door to his desk.

"You did that on purpose!" Mina said with an angry face. 

Midoriya was about to pass out until she let go.

"Welcome class, I am your homeroom teacher. My name is Shota Aizawa," Mr. Aizawa said.

While he was coming out of the sleeping bag, he took out training uniforms and gave them to everyone. "Please put these on and follow me outside."

All Might was in the teacher's lounge. He was reading a book about the staff of the school. "Oh no, the kid has Aizawa. He is going to be nothing but trouble!" All Might thought to himself.

"Okay Bakugo, tell me how far you threw a ball in middle school," Aizawa said.

"67 meters," Bakugo said.

"Okay, now I want you to throw the ball with your quirk," Aizawa said while handing the ball to Bakugo.

Bakugo threw the ball with all his might with his quirk.

Aizawa got his phone out and said, "This is how we know what your limits are with your quirks."

The phone said," 705.2 meters!"

Everyone, "What?!"

Mina said, "That looks fun."

"Fun you say," Aizawa now glaring at everyone. "So you think that when you all become heroes, it will be fun?" Aizawa was being dead serious when he said, "Whoever scores the lowest amount of points in all eight events will expelled right on the spot."

"What?!?!" Everyone said in shock and fear.

"This is U.A. You will not expect me to go easy on y'all. Good luck, because y'all are going to need it," Aizawa said.

"Our first day at U.A., and our teacher is already wanting to expel the weakest person. What can I do?" Izuku thought in his head while he hoped that he wasn't the one that gets expelled on the first day.

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