The Attack at USJ Part Two

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"Why aren't the alarms going off?!" Momo yelled.

"Good question," Thirteen said.

"It must be one of them," Shoto said, pointing towards the villains. "One of them must have a quirk that can make the alarms not go off."

"Okay, then our objective is to find that quirk user and take them down," Izuku said.

"No!" Aizawa yelled. 

"Mr. Aizawa, you can't just face all of them by yourself! We can help!" Izuku argued back.

"Your safety is my priority!" Aizawa yelled back. "Get out of here!"

Izuku looked at Aizawa amazed. "He actually cares about us," Izuku thought.

"Thirteen, get the kids out of here! Leave the villains to me," Aizawa said as soon as he dashed towards the danger that lies ahead.

Aizawa saw three villains in front of him. He put on his goggles to hide his quirk from the villains.

"Alright, range squad. Aim for the fool who is charging right at us!" a villain said.

"They are fools for taking me on," Aizawa thought and used his quirk.

"What gives?! My quirk is not working," the villain said.

Aizawa used binding cloth and captured the villains. He threw them into the air and made all three of them hit their heads to knock them out.

"Ha! I bet your erasing quirk can't work on heteromorphic type quirks!" a strong villain with four arms said.

Aizawa ran up to him and punched the villain in the face. "You are right about that. That is why I have been trained hand-to-hand combat to deal with villains like you," Aizawa said.

Aizawa captures the villain with his cloth and threw the villain at some other villains.

"Who is next?" Aizawa said as he was surrounded by villains.

"I hate pro heroes so much. Regular villains can't beat them," the villain with blue hair said, while a villain stands right beside him.

"Wow, look at our teacher go," Izuku said.

Mina grabbed Izuku, so that he is not left behind. "I am not leaving you! Now come on!" Mina yelled.

Soon, a villain teleported himself in front of the entrance. "Going somewhere?" he said. "Sorry for our intrusion, but we are here to kill All Might."

"Not if we can do anything about it!" Bakugo yelled as he and Kirishima charged at the villain.

They both missed the villain.

"Get away from him! I am going to use my quirk!" Thirteen yelled.

"You almost got me. That is U.A. for you. Too bad that you kids will never see the light of day from this place," the villain said.

The villain wrapped around everyone and teleported them to different locations.

Izuku was falling from the sky and landed in the water.

"I am at the flooded zone," Izuku thought. "So that villain's quirk can warp people in different places."

"My first meal for the day!" a villain that looked like a shark said.

"Aaaahhh," Izuku screamed.

"Sorry kid, but I got to eat!" the villain said.

Out of nowhere, Tsuyu kicked the villain in the jaw and grabbed Midoriya with her tongue. She swam very fast to get away from the villain.

Tsuyu was able to get Midoriya on the ship in the middle of the water by using her tongue.

"You got a nice chest for a frog," Mineta said.

Asui used her tongue on Mineta and slammed him as hard as she can on the ship.

"I should have left him with the villains," Tsuyu said while climbing up on the ship. "Oh well, he lives for another day."

"Thanks for saving me Asui," Izuku said.

"Just call me Tsuyu," Tsuyu said.

"They were planning this for a while," Izuku said.

"I don't know how long, but they can be stopped by All Might. He will kick their butts," Mineta said.

"They must have figured out how to take care of All Might for good," Tsuyu said. "Why come here to get beat up? Even if All Might does show up, we could already be dead. If we survive long enough for All Might to come, the villains will be ready for him."

Mineta was getting scared and cried like a little baby.

"Midoriya, please tell Asui that she is crazy for thinking about something like that!" Mineta yelled.

"Grow up Mineta. You should not act like a baby," Tsuyu said.

"I am not a baby!" Mineta yelled back at Tsuyu.

"Then why does it look like that you are wearing a diaper on your hero costume?" Tsuyu said.

Mineta looked down at his hero costume and said, "It is not a diaper!"

Izuku then mutters to himself. "If they found a way to beat All Might, then they must have some kind of reason."

"Can you stop that? You are creeping me out with your muttering," Tsuyu asked.

While no one was looking, a villain got on the boat. They were right behind Tsuyu.

"There is no escape! Get ready to die!!" a villain yelled.

Everyone turned to see the villain behind Tsuyu. The villain was about to strike, until from out of nowhere, some kind of liquid landed on the villain's eyes. He screams in pain and fell off the boat. Izuku looked on top of the boat. He began to smile.

"Midori! I am so glad to see everyone okay," Mina said. "I was so worried when all of us got separated. It is great to see that some of my friends found each other."

Mina got off the roof of the boat and ran up to Midoriya to hug him.

"Can I get a hug Tsuyu?" Mineta said with a smirk on his face.

"No," Tsuyu said as she slapped Mineta in the face.

"It is good to see you are okay Ashi," Izuku said, while hugging Mina.

"Did you get hurt Midori?" Mina said worriedly. She checked his body for any scratches or marks.

"I am fine. It is all thanks to Asui. If she didn't rescue me, then I would have gotten hurt," Izuku said.

"Thank you for saving Midori," Mina said to Asui.

"No problem. Please, call me Tsuyu," Tsuyu said.

Then, the students heard a villain yelled from the water.

"My eyes! That girl almost made me blind!" the villain yelled. 

"I want to kill that frog girl! I lost my prey because of her!" the shark villain said.

Mineta looked down from the ship. "Aaaaaahhh! We are surrounded!" Mineta yelled. "What are we going to do?!"

"There is only one way out of this...," Izuku said.

Mina smiled and prepared to use her acid, Tsuyu got out her tongue, and Mineta quivered in fear.

"...And that is to fight!" Izuku yelled.

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