Hero Names

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It was just a few minutes, but everyone gathered in the middle of the stadium to see the people that made top three.

Everyone was starting to get worried about Bakugo, even though he won. He chained to the ground by his waist, which was also tied around a stone pillar Cementoss made. He was also in a capture device that was around his arms and hands.

"How long has he been like this?" Jirou said.

"He was like this the moment he woke up," Kirishima told Jirou.

"Mmmmmm!" Bakugo yelled in the mask around his mouth.

"Presenting the contestants their medals this year is everyone's favorite hero...," Midnight said.

From the top of the stadium, All Might jumped and landed in the middle of the stadium's arena.

"I am here!" All Might yelled.

"All Might!" Midnight yelled.

The crowd began to cheered as loud as they can for All Might.

All Might gave the third place medal to Midoriya. As soon as the medal was around Izuku's neck, All Might hugged him.

"You did a great job out there Midoriya," All Might said.

"Thanks All Might," Izuku said.

"Just promise me that you won't go that far next year," All Might said as he broke the hug.

"I hope," Izuku said.

As soon All Might walked to Todoroki, Izuku showed Mina his medal. Mina smiled and gave him two thumbs up.

"You did great out there, but you didn't go all out on the final match," All Might said curiously.

"It was my match against Midoriya that made me lose my way," Shoto said. "I always wanted to be like you All Might, but I need to do something before I can move on."

"Say no more kid," All Might said as he hugged patted Shoto on the back. "Whatever you need to do, I know you can do it."

All Might walked over to Bakugo.

"You were able to keep your promise," All Might said as he took the mask off of Bakugo.

"This win doesn't count All Might!" Bakugo yelled as he made the scariest face ever. "I don't want that junk medal!"

"That face is scary," All Might thought. "Just please accept this medal to remind you of how hard you tried."

All Might was trying to put the medal around Bakugo's neck.

"No, I don't want it!" Bakugo yelled as he tried to not let All Might put the medal around his neck.

"Please accept the medal," All Might said as he was struggling.

"I told you-," Bakugo said as All Might put the medal in his mouth.

"Here are your winners!" All Might yelled.

The crowd cheered.

After the festival ended for the first year students, the class went back to their classroom to wait for further instructions.

"Since the festival is over, you will all have tomorrow and the day after that off," Aizawa said to the class. "During your break, pros will be picking students they want to train, so you will the results after your break."

Everyone left to go see their parents after the day they all went through. Some were happy, some were sad, and a few cried.

After their break, class 1-A returned to school and were excited to see the results.

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