Ingenium Vs. Stain

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"So you are the Hero Killer? I have been hearing a lot of stuff about you," Ingenium said as he stood up. "Attacked 39 heroes. 17 of those heroes are dead, while 22 are in the hospital crippled."

"No matter how much you know about me, it won't help you in a fight," Stain said.

Ingenium got into his battle stance.

Stain smiled at him.

They stood there without moving for a few seconds until Stain threw some knives at Ingenium.

The pro hero dodged all of them and managed to catch the ones that could have hit the woman.

He used his engines on his arms to close the gap between Stain and him.

Stain took out his katana and tried to cut Ingenium with it, but Ingenium slid under the blade and went behind the hero killer. He tried to hit him in the back with a barrage of punches, but none of them connected.

"I thought you were supposed to be fast, but I am impressed that you are lasting this long by yourself. I think you are a true hero after all," Stain said.

"I will not let you get away with the crimes you have committed you villain!" Tensei yelled.

"I am no villain, I am just a person that believes that there are no true heroes left in society anymore. So I plan to purge those who are not deemed worthy to protect the people," Stain said.

"Villain or not, no one is above the law and gets away with murder!" Tensei yelled as he swiped the air in front of him.

"Then prove to me that you are a true hero, then I will be on my way," Stain said as he put away his sword.

"I can't tell if he is playing me as a fool, or he is being serious. I have to call in some of my team to take this guy to the police," Tensei thought to himself. "If I want to take down this villain, then I will have to use my special move. It would overwhelm him and that would be my opportunity to attack him."

 "Looks like he will fight after all," Stain said to himself.

Tensei took a deep breathe and exhaled.

"Recipro Burst!!" he yelled.

The Hero Killer was shocked to see how fast he was.

Ingenium punched Stain a couple of times.

"Never underestimate heroes, you villain!" Tensei yelled as he punched Stain without stopping.

Stain smirked as he grabbed both of Ingenium's fists.

"I figured that you were using your special move. You got careless and used it, so that meant that you were getting desperate," Stain said as Ingenium's engines began to stall.

Stain pushed Tensei back and brought out a knife. He managed to cut through Tensei's armor and cut him.

"Crap, I was careless. I was so caught up with trying to capture this villain that I was not thinking straight. I have to call for backup," he thought as he was holding his wound.

He got out his phone and quick dialed his agency.

"A true hero never puts others in danger, including their sidekicks," Stain said.

He licked the blood off the blade.

Tensei froze in place. His phone dropped from his hand.

"Ingenium, are you there?" the person on the phone said.

"I thought you were a true hero Ingenium, but I should have known you were a fake!" Stain yelled as he took out his katana and sliced Tensei at the midsection of his body.

Tensei fell to the floor as his blood was pouring out of him.

"Ingenium, answer the phone!" the person said.

Krunch. Krunch. Krunch.

Were the sounds of footsteps being heard the person was hearing on the phone.

Stain picked up the phone.

"Sorry, but the so called pro hero Ingenium is not available at the moment," Stain said.

"Who is this?" the person said.

"I am Stain, the hero killer. I took down Ingenium and I will leave his phone here so that you will find him," Stain said.

"I am sorry Tenya, I have failed as a hero, and as a brother to you," Tensei said.

Stain looked at Ingenium.

"Good news is that he is alive, but not for long. If you want to save his life, then you better hurry," Stain said as he threw the phone near Tensei. "If you manage to survive this, then you are considered a worthy opponent to me. I wished you were a true hero, but you have yourself to blame."

He threw his knife at the woman's cuffs to set her free.

"I was never planning on killing you because I want you to spread the word that the Hero Killer has struck again," Stain said to the woman.

He then leaped to the rooftop of a building and disappeared.

"The only true hero that will have permission to kill me is... All Might," Stain said as he waited for the cops to show up to the scene.

The police arrived to the scene to see a woman and the hero, Ingenium, in his own pool of blood.

Sansa picked up the phone and answered it.

"He is still alive," he said.

"I will give you the number of his mother. I would call her, but I can't break the news to her. Just please let her know," the person said.

"I will inform her right away," Sansa said.

Stain managed to slip away without anyone seeing him.

"Next stop, Hosu City," Stain said.

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