Midoriya Vs. Shinso

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"A one-on-one battle. Now I am fired up!" Kirishima said has he punched his fists together.

"This is way better than last year's tournament," Sero said.

"What was last year's fight?" Mineta asked has he looked up at Sero.

"Last year was a foam sword fight," Sero answered back.

"We will start drawing whom will face whom by drawing lots," Midnight said. "Once that is out of the way, we will let the participants participate in some fun activities. We will start with the first place team to-"

Ojiro raised his hand.

"What is it boy?" Midnight asked.

"I like to... drop out of the tournament," Ojiro said in shame.

"What?!?!" everyone said.

"Throughout the cavalry battle, I had no memory of what happened. I think it was his quirk that did that," Ojiro said.

Izuku looked at Shinso.

"Interesting, so his quirk can somehow affect the person or their mind. I don't know how his quirk works, but I should stay alert," Izuku thought.

"I can't accept moving on if I don't deserve it," Ojiro said. "This is my honor as a hero in training."

"Ojiro, please think what you are saying! You don't have to do this!" Hagakure yelled at Ojiro to make him rethink his decision.

"You can't just quit now. You can prove that you are worthy of moving on by showing us what you got," Mina said.

"Thanks everyone , but it doesn't feel right. Also, why are the girls dressed like that?" Ojiro said as he put his hand on his face.

All the girls looked at the ground.

"I would like to withdraw. What he said is right. How can I accept this if I didn't do anything either," a kid from class 1-B said.

Kirishima was crying manly tears.

"These guys are so manly," Kirishima weeped.

"That was deep," Present Mic said. "Lets see what Midnight has to say about this."

"So you want to withdraw?" Midnight said as she glared at them. "I...love that emotion and heart they put into it!"

"What?! She loves it?!" everyone yelled.

"Shoda from class 1-B and Ojiro from class 1-A have withdrawn from the battle!" Midnight yelled.

"I will win it for you Ojiro," Aoyama said.

"The two members will be replaced by two members from Team Kendo," Midnight said.

"Actually, if we could, we want Team Tetsutetsu to have it. They gave it their all at the end of the battle. It would be fair, since we were immobilized from the last battle," Kendo said.

"I will allow it. Then Team Tetsutetsu will choose two of their members!" Midnight yelled.

Tetsutetsu cried.

"Thank you Team Kendo!" Tetsutetsu yelled.

"Now we are back to 16 people, lets pull up the tournament bracket!" Midnight yelled as she pointed to the screen.

Ashido vs. Aoyama

Todoroki vs. Sero

Midoriya vs. Shinso

Kaminari vs. Shiozaki

Ida vs. Hatsume

Tokoyami vs. Yaoyrozu

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