The End of the Fight

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Izuku and Mina were outside waiting until All Might told them to be ready.

"So, what's the plan Midori?" Mina said since she knew he would come up with plans quickly.

"Well right now, I am thinking we should head to the first floor and cautiously check every corner to make sure Kacchan doesn't get the drop on us," Izuku said.

"How do you know he will be alone?" Mina asked curiously.

"He want to prove he is the strongest by taking us out, and he wants revenge on me," Izuku said almost feeling scared. "The next part of my plan is going to be risking, but it is the best plan to get to the bomb the quickest."

"Whatever it is, you can trust me to do it," Mina said being determined.

"Okay, the next part is Bakugo and I will have to fight alone," Izuku said.

Mina was now not on board with the plan. "No Midori. You can't face him by yourself."

"I have to Mina. I have to be the one to hold him back while you face Ida," Izuku said to calm Mina down.

"No, I don't want to leave you behind!" Mina yelled.

"Mina, please. The plan won't work without your help," Izuku begged Mina to reconsider it.

"Fine, but I still don't like this plan. Also, what am I suppose to do while you fight Bakugo?" Mina said in defeat. "This plan better work."

He then whispered what he wanted her to do while he fought Kacchan. Mina was now smiling

"Okay, this plan might actually work, but I still don't want to leave you," Mina said.

"Don't worry, we can do this," Izuku said to cheer up Mina.

Soon, All Might announced that the battle has begun.

"Let's go Midori," Mina said.

"Right," Izuku said.

Moments before All Might announced the battle to begin, Bakugo and Ida were talking to each other.

"Training or not, it pains me to be the villain," Ida said while inspecting the makeshift bomb in the room.

"So, Deku has a quirk?" Bakugo said.

"Of course, you saw it to, but you can't just charge in and fight him," Ida said to Bakugo, but Bakugo was not listening.

Izuku and Mina were in the building, but moving slowly around each corner they came across to. Everything was just fine until Bakugo leaped from a corner to surprise attack Mina, but Izuku pulled Mina away from Bakugo. Bakugo used his quirk and almost hit her. He was only able to destroy the face shield and half of Izuku's mask when Izuku shielded Mina with his body from the blast. With the force of the explosion, Mina and Izuku went flying. When their vision cleared, they both noticed that Mina was on top of Izuku. Their faces were very close. Even though Izuku was very close to Mina's face, he didn't notice that she was blushing a little.

Mina thought to herself, "Why am I blushing? We are in a fight and I shouldn't think of how cute he is right now." Then Mina got off of Izuku and pulled him off the ground. "Sorry, I should have paid more attention."

"Ugh, why are you all so emotional?! You two can make out later after I defeat you," Bakugo yelled.

They both blushed a little until Midoriya said, "Why did you go after her Kacchan? Isn't your fight with me, or are you actually afraid of me?" Izuku said.

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