The Attack at USJ Part One

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"Hahahaha! No one comes close, or the family gets it!" a tall pink villain yelled.

"Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady are not able to stop the villain!" a civilian said.

"You won't get away with this Habit Headgear!" Mt. Lady roared.

"Only a true villain would take civilians hostage in order to getaway," Kamui Woods said.

"Isn't there anyone who can stop this villian?!" a civilian yelled.

"Someone please help us!" one of the hostages said.

"Shut it! Now it is time to make my escape!" Headgear said.

What the villain didn't except, was that All Might was right behind him.

"Missouri Smash!" All Might said as he karate chopped the back of Habit Headgear's head.

"Thank you All Might!" one of the hostages said.

"Thanks All Might. I wish we were able to stop the villain," Mt. Lady said.

"We will never get to save anyone whenever All Might shows up," Woods said.

"Whenever trouble is near, I always rush in to save the day!" All Might said.

"Ahhhh! Someone just did a hit-and-run!" a woman said.

"That is my cue!" All Might said as he went to save the day again.

"Today's basic hero training is rescue training. We will all go somewhere to do our rescue training. If you want to wear your hero costumes that is fine. We will also go there by a bus," Aizawa said.

Everyones' hero costumes were fine, except for Izuku's. His hero costume got destroyed from battle training.  Izuku was wearing the gym clothes from school.

"Hey Midori, I know your costume got destroyed from battle training. Would it make you happy if I wore my gym clothes to?" Mina said to make Izuku feel better.

"You don't have to do that Ashi. Besides, it would make me happy if you wear your hero outfit. You look amazing in it," Izuku said.

His comment made him and Mina blush.

"Okay!" she said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I will wear the necklace with my hero outfit."

Everyone changed into their outfits and were ready to get on the bus. Izuku and Mina were walking and talking to each other, until Uraraka came up to them.

"Hey guys, what do you think we are going?" Uraraka said.

"Well, I think we are going to a place that will have to be big and wide for the rescue training we will be doing. It will depend on what disaster we will be in and how it is set up. Also, we will have to think on how we will work together," Midoriya muttered.

Mina then sighs and kisses Izuku's cheek to get him to stop muttering. It worked, but that cause Izuku to turn red from the kiss.

"We have to do something about your muttering Midori," Mina said.

 Ida blew a whistle to get everyone's attention. Mina covered her ears because he blew it right next to Mina's ear. Mina grabbed Ida's whistle.

"Please don't do that again," Mina said while giving Ida back his whistle.

"Sorry," Ida said. "I want everyone enter the bus in order!"

Once everyone got on the bus, Ida was the last one to get on the bus.

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