Voting For Class Representative

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Izuku woke up feeling more happy than usual, but he was holding it in. His mother noticed how happy he was.

"I am so happy that you were able to get a girlfriend Izuku. My baby boy is finally growing up," Inko said, while a few tearing were dripping from her face.

Izuku had already told his Mom about him and Mina.

"Hey Mom, I want to tell you something," Izuku said.

"What is it sweetie?" Inko said.

"I got a girlfriend," Izuku said.

Once he said that, Inko began to cry so much that she almost flooded the apartment.

"Please don't start crying again Mom. You almost flooded the apartment the other night," Izuku said, while comforting his mother.

"I know, but I am so happy you were able to find someone who likes you the way you are," Inko said almost stopped crying.

"Thanks Mom," Izuku said. 

He hugged his Mom and headed out, but he stopped at the door.

"I love you Mom," Izuku said.

"I love you Izuku. Now don't be late for school," Inko said.

"I won't Mom," Izuku said as he walked out the door.

When he exited the building, he saw Mina waiting on the sidewalk.

"There you are Midori!" Ashido yelled.

She ran up to him and hugged him. 

Izuku hugged and spun Mina in the air, before he set her down and let go of her.

"Ready to go to U.A.?" Mina said.

"Of course Ashi," Izuku said. "Oh, I see that you are wearing the necklace I got for you."

"Yup," Mina said, while making a popping sound for the "p".

They began to walk to the train station while holding hands.

A few people were looking at them while they were walking.

"I wonder why people are looking at us?" Izuku said.

"I think it is because of me. I don't come here a lot, so I guess they see me as a new person," Mina said. "It is not everyday that someone sees a girl with pink skin."

"I guess you are right, but does it bother you that people always look at you?" Izuku said curiously.

"I get use to it, but don't worry Midori, I am fine," Mina said.

"Okay, I just wanted to know that you were not comfortable with all these people starring at you," Izuku said.

"Awwww, Midori," Mina said.

They were able to get on the train and head to U.A. with no trouble.

Once they got to U.A. holding hands, they saw a lot of reporters and cameramen huddled up near the entrance. The reporters were asking questions to any student that was at the front gate.

Izuku and Mina saw a few of their friends talking to the reporters.

Izuku and Mina tried to get past the reporters while not being seen, but that was never going to happen.

"What is it like to have All Might teaching you kids?" a woman said.

"How does All Might teach?" a man said.

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