Leo's Story

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Leo was driving back to his home and stopped at a red light. He then remembered that this was the same street that it all started. He looked at his right hand. It had a scar that ran down to the middle of his hand.

He remembered like it was yesterday.

Crowds of people covered every sidewalk, but a certain person had no time to deal with people.

"Dang it, I going to be late for work," Leo said as he ran and bumped into people.

"Watch where you are going!" a man yelled.

"Sorry!" Leo yelled back as he ran.

Then bumped into a woman.

"Careful, you will hurt someone with those horns!" she yelled.

"I know!" Leo yelled.

Leo was heading towards his job at a jewerly store at the mall. He was wearing a black business suit with a tie that flapping has he ran.

He stopped at a crosswalk and waited for the signal to turn.

Once he saw that it changed, he ran to the other side.

The car sped down the same street being chased after a police car.

"I told you that robbing a bank was not going to be easy!" a robber yelled.

The other robber that was driving looked at the other.

"How was I supposed to know that the vault had some kind of laser security?!" the other robber yelled.

They were not paying any attention that they were about to hit Leo.

Once the driver noticed Leo, they tried to hit the brakes to stop, but it wouldn't matter at the speed they were going.

Leo stopped where he was at and used his quirk. The car hit him, but he stop the car without moving an inch. The robbers flew out of the car through the window and Leo stuck out arms to the sides. The robbers were caught and were struggling to get out of Leo's grasp.

The police car came to a stop and got out of the car with their pistols and handcuffs.

"Finally, we were chasing these two for miles," a police officer said as they put the handcuffs on the robbers.

The crowd were cheering and took videos on their phones.

"I got to say that was incredible of what you did there, woof," an officer said.

This officer had a head of a dog and walked towards Leo.

"I am going to tell you that using a quirk is illegal, woof," he said.

A cop soon interrupted them.

"Officer Tsuragamae, the robbers are now in the vehicle," the officer said.

"That is great to hear," Tsuragamae said to the officer before the officer left and got in the car.

Tsuragamae looked at Leo.

"You used your quirk to stop these robbers from getting away?" Tsuragamae asked.

"I did," Leo said.

Tsuragamae looked at the crowd around them.

"I didn't see it, so how am I going to arrest something I didn't see, woof," Tsuragamae said to Leo.

"Thanks officer," Leo said as he left to head to his job.

Tsuragamae smiled and got in the car with the other officer.

"Sir, why did you let him go, he used his quirk?" the officer said.

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