The Cavalry Battle Part Two

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"It did not take a genius to figure out that they would get rid of more than half of the participants in the first challenge, so we all hung back," the kid said.

"So everyone was in on this?!" Kirishima yelled.

"I wish, but some of us just wanted to focus on the sports festival. Oh yeah, didn't you say that you were going to be in first Bakugo?" the kid said.

Bakugo was about to break, until the kid said, "Aren't you popular because of that sludge villain incident?"

Those words made Bakugo snap.

The kid turned his back at Bakugo.

"Kirishima," Bakugo said with venom in his voice.

Kirishima turned to his friend and saw the dark aura surrounded Bakugo.

"Change of plans. We are going that group, and then we get Deku," Bakugo said as he smiled like a maniac.

"Bakugo, stay calm, " Kirishima said.

Bakugo hit Kirishima's head.

"I am calm. Now get moving!!" Bakugo yelled.

"Doesn't sound like you are calm," Kirishima said as he ran towards the team.

"Teaming up with you seemed a good idea at the time, but where is your headband Mineta?" Tsuyu asked.

"I don't know. Shoji had eyes in the back, but somehow our headband is missing," Mineta said as he was almost in the verge of tears.

"I am sorry you two, I wasn't able to protect our points," Shoji said in defeat.

"Don't give up, we can still win if we can get the other team's points," Tsuyu said.

"That is right Asui, we are still in the game!" Mineta yelled.

Mineta pointed at the two teams in front of them.

"Call me Tsuyu," Tsuyu said with a blank face.

Shoji ran towards the team at full speed.

"What do we do Midoriya, because multiple teams are heading our way?" Tokoyami said while staying calm and alert.

"I can only protect us from a team or two, but this is crazy," Dark Shadow said.

"Just do whatever you can," Midoriya said.

"Midori, lean the other way!" Mina yelled.

Izuku leaned the other way.

"Okay, what are you thinking of?" Izuku asked his girlfriend.

Mina used her quirk and sprayed her acid on the ground in front of them.

"This will keep people from coming near us," Mina said.

"Good thinking Ashido. Dark Shadow will just cover our sides," Tokoyami said.

"Yaoyorozu, create our defense and the insulator," Todoroki said.

Momo started to create the stuff for her team.

"I am already on it," Momo said.

"Ida, start moving," Shoto said.

"On it!" Ida yelled.

"Kaminari, you wi-," Todoroki said but was cut off.

"I know, just be ready for it," Denki said as he was charging up.

Momo prepared the insulator and Shoto covered everyone with the sheet, except for Denki.

"Indiscriminate shock! 1.3 million volts!!" Denki yelled as he used his quirk.

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