Hero Agency

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"I will start handing out personalized lists to those who have been drafted by pros," Aizawa said as he passed out the papers. "The rest will get a list of forty agencies that are willing to accept interns, but you will still have to choose carefully."

Kirishima looked at his list with Tsuyu.

"I am thinking of going to an agency that deals with crimes in the city,"Kirishima said. "What about you Tsuyu?"

"I am thinking of going to an agency that would deal with floods, kero," Tsuyu said to Kirishima.

"You guys have already figured out what to do," Mina said trying to think what she should do.

"Maybe you should go with Midoriya, since he was not drafted," Tsuyu said.

"Good idea, but he might go to any agency that won't be for me," Mina said sighing.

Mina saw Uraraka with Izuku.

"I am going to Gunhead's agency!" Uraraka yelled confidently.

"That is great to hear Uraraka," Izuku said to Uraraka.

Mina walked over to them.

"It is great that you picked an agency that quickly Uraraka," Mina said.

"Thanks Ashido," Uraraka said. "I thought you would have gotten drafted."

"It is fine, but that means I have room for improvement," Mina said with a smile on her face. She formed a fist with her hand and put it straight in the air.

Izuku just smiled.

"I could help you find an agency," Izuku said to offer Mina help.

"That would be great," Mina said cheerfully.

After school, Izuku was able to help Mina pick an agency that can help Mina use her quirk in other ways.

"Thank you so much Izuku!" Mina yelled as she hugged him and kissed his face multiple times.

Izuku was getting a little red, but he was mostly  happy to help his girl find an agency.

"No problem Mina," he said.

Izuku and Mina got up to walk out the door, but All Might was at the door.

"I am here to talk to you Midoriya!" All Might yelled.

"Can Mina come?" Izuku asked.

Mina was a little surprised, but she was not at the same time.

"Of course," All Might said as he walked down the hall, with Izuku and Mina following him from behind.

All Might was starting to sweat.

"A pro has drafted Midoriya," All Might said.

Izuku was shocked, while Mina jumped in the air excitedly because Izuku was drafted.

"His name is Gran Torino," All Might said. "He taught me at U.A. as an instructor for one year, and my home room teacher."

"This is amazing!" Izuku yelled. "I get to be trained by All Might's instructor!"

"He knows about One For All," All Might said.

"If he knows about your quirk, then why are you shaking?" Mina asked.

"He can be extreme with his training," All Might said. "Also, your hero costume is fixed Midoriya."

In the staff room, Aizawa was looking over the internships for his class.

"Internships?" Snipe asked as he walked up to Aizawa.

"Yeah, I was just looking at who made rash decisions," Aizawa said.

"I hope they all chose wisely," Snipe said. "My darn third year students still regret the agencies they picked."

"You are right about that," Aizawa said as he looked at Ida's paper.

"Why go to Manual's agency at Hosu?" Aizawa thought. "Unless..."

Today was the day that everyone will go to there agencies.

"Everyone got your costumes?" Aizawa asked. "It is prohibited to wear them in public."

"I got my costume!" Mina yelled.

"Everyone please be on your best behavior," Aizawa said as he walked away.

As Ida was about to leave, Midoriya called out to him.

"Ida, if there is anything wrong, we can talk," Izuku said. "We are your friends."

Mina and Uraraka were behind Izuku as he said that.

"I knew who attack Ida's brother," Izuku thought to himself. "The hero killer Stain, with 17 hero kills and 23 he put out of commission."

Ida turned and looked at them.

"Of course Midoriya," Ida said.

After Midoriya and Mina were on the bullet train for 45 minutes, they were heading to Gran Torino's place.

"Thanks for coming with me Mina," Izuku thanked Mina.

"No problem, because you would do the same," Mina said, which made Izuku blush.

Mina giggled a little.

As Izuku opened the door, he saw a person on the floor.

"Ahhhhhh!!" Izuku and Mina yelled. "He is dead!"

"I am alive!" Gran Torino yelled.

"He is alive!" Izuku yelled.

Mina sighed in relief.

"I had a plate full of ketchup and sausage links, but I felled down on the food," Torino said. "Who are you?"

"I am Izuku Midoriya and this is Mina Ashido!"        Izuku yelled.

"What?!"Torino yelled. "Speak up boy!"

"I am Izuku Midoriya!!"

"Nice to meet you," Torino said. "Who are you again?!"

Mina sighed.

"I got to go," Mina said as she kissed Izuku. "See you later Izuku."

As Mina closed the door, Izuku said bye.

A few seconds later, Gran Torino sat on the floor.

"I want to eat lunch," Torino said.

"Lunch!!" Izuku yelled. "Toshinori!!"

"That is not my name kid!!" Torino yelled

Torino went into Izuku's bag and saw his costume.

"Put on your costume on and show your power," Torino said.

"Did he just change his personality?" Izuku thought to himself.

"Who are you again?!" Torino yelled.

"I don't have time with these games and I need to control this power as soon as I can!" Izuku yelled. "All Might doesn't have that much time left."

As soon as Izuku was about to leave, Gran Torino used his quirk and bounced on the walls and was in front of Izuku.

"Then I will say this one more time!" Torino yelled seriously. "Come at me with all you got kid!"

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